The Hammer Pro40 system enhances the size and speed of Incus Metal 3D Printing.


Austrian startup Incus has just unveiled its latest innovation, the Hammer Pro40. This 3D printing solution combines vat polymerization and sintering to create metal parts, making it a production-focused version of their earlier Hammer Lab35, which was more research-oriented.

The Hammer Pro40 boasts several impressive features, such as dual scrolling projectors and a build volume that is 600% larger than its predecessor. According to Incus, this system has the potential to print at a rate of 700cm³ per hour, making it seven times faster than the lab system. Additionally, the company claims that the print cost per part has been reduced to a quarter of what it was before.

One of the standout features of the Hammer Pro40 is its ability to run autonomously for up to three days. This is significant because often, the turnaround times or the system turnaround itself slows down productivity. With this new system, there is no need for personnel to be present during the printing process, allowing it to run continuously over the weekend and during nights. This greatly enhances throughput, yield, and cost efficiency.

The applicability of the Hammer Pro40 extends across various industries, including medical, jewelry, automotive, and robotics. It excels in producing small, intricate, and highly detailed components. Incus also claims that in many cases, no additional finishing is required post printing, debinding, and sintering. They claim to achieve surface roughness values of Ra in micrometers, making the parts suitable for a wide range of applications.

One common issue with slurry stereolithography (SLA) is the failure of parts during the green state, while being transferred between machines. However, Incus asserts that the green state parts produced by the Hammer Pro40 are robust and less likely to encounter this problem.

According to Incus CEO Dr. Gerald Mitteramskogler, this innovation is a significant step forward in terms of speed, precision, and cost-effectiveness. He also emphasizes the versatility of Incus’ manufacturing solution, which can produce a wide range of products in quantities ranging from single prototypes to mass manufacturing.

Personally, I am a big fan of slurry vat photopolymerization and the advancements made in this area by companies like Incus and others. The combination of DLP technology, optic systems, and chemistry has propelled this technology forward. While the process may seem complex, the ability to create highly precise, cost-effective metal parts for specific applications makes it incredibly valuable.

In the medical device sector, for example, the ability to craft steel devices to exact tolerances at an appropriate cost and precision is highly desirable. As electronics continue to miniaturize and become more powerful, the need for smaller cases, assemblies, and devices increases. Slurry SLA technology excels in this area, providing high quality, cost-effective, and precise solutions.

Another impressive aspect of this technology is its ability to create exceptionally smooth flow channels, making it ideal for applications such as heat exchangers and tools. The transition from laboratory to manufacturing is a promising development for the industry as a whole.

To stay updated on the latest news from the 3D printing industry and receive information and offers from third party vendors, be sure to stay connected with Incus and other leading companies in the field.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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