The Jacuzzi Legacy: Incorporating 3D Printing in Hot Tub Manufacturing.


The Jacuzzi family has a fascinating history that goes beyond just fancy hot tubs. Originally from a rural farming community in Northern Italy, Giovanni and Teresa Jacuzzi, along with their seven sons and six daughters, made their way to the US during World War I. They worked hard in various industries, including aviation, farming, and irrigation equipment, before finding success in the hot tub industry.

The Jacuzzi family’s journey took an unexpected turn when Ken, the son of Candido Jacuzzi, developed a degenerative disease and lost mobility at a young age. They discovered that hydrotherapy had incredible benefits for Ken’s health, sparking their interest in hot tubs. This marked the beginning of their successful venture into the hot tub industry.

In 2021, the Jacuzzi brand was acquired by American Industrial Brands, which presented both challenges and opportunities for the family. One of the potential opportunities is the integration of 3D printing into the hot tub industry. Plumbing and 3D printing have synergies that can lead to the production of high-quality and cost-effective hot tub components.

Many of the components of a hot tub, such as the shell, cabinet, pumps, hydro jets, blowers, controller and heater, controls, lighting, and filters, can be 3D printed. This integration of 3D printing technology into hot tub manufacturing can open up possibilities for innovation and cost reduction.

Additionally, companies that implement 3D printing technology in their hot tub production can take advantage of the Research and Development (R&D) Tax Credit. Spending on wages for technical employees involved in creating, testing, and revising 3D printed prototypes can be included as part of the R&D Tax Credit. Integrating 3D printing hardware and software into the production process can also be considered an eligible activity for the credit. Even the costs of filaments consumed during the development process can be recovered.

The Jacuzzi family’s story is inspirational, showcasing how hard work and a commitment to improving their son’s health led to the creation of a globally recognized brand associated with quality and luxury. While the popularity of hot tubs may have fluctuated over the years, the COVID-19 pandemic has reignited interest in home improvement projects, including hot tubs.

The 3D printing industry has an opportunity to contribute to this trend by advancing the production of hot tub components. By integrating 3D printing technology and taking advantage of the R&D Tax Credit, companies can innovate and create cost-effective products that meet the changing demands of consumers.

In conclusion, the Jacuzzi family history serves as a reminder that even in challenging times, there are opportunities for growth and innovation. By embracing 3D printing technology, the hot tub industry can continue to evolve and provide families with a source of relaxation and enjoyment in their own homes.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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