The US and Canada will receive distribution of custom 3D-printed radiotherapy solutions.


There is no denying that 3D Systems, a pioneer in additive manufacturing (AM) based in Rock Hill, South Carolina, has made waves in the medical device market. The company recently announced a partnership with Klarity, a leading supplier of radiotherapy solutions, to distribute 3D Systems’ VSP Bolus masks. These boluses are used in radiotherapy to increase the skin dose of radiation to specific areas of the patient.

The beauty of these personalized boluses is that they not only optimize radiation targeting but also provide comfort to patients during treatment. What makes this partnership even more exciting is that it allows oncologists to provide customized boluses within days of ordering, without having to invest in 3D printing infrastructure.

Klarity will print the VSP Bolus devices using 3D Systems’ ProJet MJP 2500 platform. This collaboration between 3D Systems and Klarity aligns perfectly with Klarity’s commitment to improving patient care. Peter Larson, the CEO of Klarity, believes that this partnership will advance personalized care and improve the patient experience.

Menno Ellis, the executive VP of Healthcare Solutions at 3D Systems, has praised Klarity for their superior products and service in the radiation oncology sector. The partnership between the two companies will provide next-generation radiotherapy accessories to patients across the US and Canada.

It is no surprise that the medical device market has been the most compelling success story for the AM sector. The use of 3D printing for customization has revolutionized the way medical devices are created and has greatly improved people’s lives. The pace of innovation in this field continues to accelerate, showcasing the true potential of 3D printing technology.

As for 3D Systems, it has established itself as one of the most mature brands in the 3D printing industry. Its mass commercialization phase is evidence of its success and its position as a leader in the market.

This partnership between 3D Systems and Klarity is just one example of how 3D printing is changing the healthcare industry. With each new announcement and innovation, it is clear that this technology has the power to revolutionize patient care and improve outcomes. We can only imagine what the future holds for this exciting field.

Images courtesy of 3D Systems.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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