The world’s first certification program for the 3D printing construction sector has been launched by Dubai.


The construction industry has been transformed by the rapid development of additive manufacturing, or 3D printing, techniques. One area in which this technology has seen significant growth is in concrete printing, with projects popping up all over the globe. With the sector expanding each year and more companies and technologies getting involved, it is only natural that some level of standardization would eventually come into play.

In Dubai, the municipality has taken the first step towards standardization with the world’s first system for certification and conformity grading in 3D printing construction. This new system aims to streamline procedures within the industry and establish a series of standards for the concrete mixes used in the city.

The certification process covers every aspect of 3D printed concrete, from the quality of raw materials to the efficiency of machinery used in manufacturing. It also sets operational standards for each step of the production process. By implementing this comprehensive review process, Dubai aims to enhance the quality and safety of 3D printed concrete structures.

Dawoud Al Hari, Director-General of Dubai Municipality, explains the rationale behind the certification and conformity mark system, saying, “This system embraces international best practices to provide exceptional services to both individuals and the community, thereby enhancing Dubai’s global reputation and aligning with Dubai Municipality’s strategic objectives outlined in Dubai’s 2030 Plan.”

Furthermore, this program is expected to position Dubai as a regional and international hub for 3D printing technology. The city hopes to attract more organizations to participate in research and operations, thereby expanding the industry’s base.

To ensure the highest standards are met, the initial certification and quality control will be conducted by the Dubai Central Laboratory. The laboratory has experience in evaluating, auditing conformity, and testing materials.

The implementation of this new system may require existing companies to make adjustments to comply with the certification and conformity standards. To assist these companies, the Dubai Municipality has provided accessible resources, including an integrated guide on its website. This guide covers the key requirements for factories and entities engaged in 3D printing for the construction sector. It sheds light on the methods and technologies used in manufacturing concrete and considers the different components and specifications of materials employed by companies.

Dubai’s ambitions for its 3D printing certification and conformity system extend beyond standardization; it also aims to position the city as a leader in 3D printing technology. By attracting more organizations and investing in research and development, Dubai hopes to solidify its reputation as a global pioneer in this field.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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