To solve DLP post-curing’s key challenges, Onulis has introduced WRAPCure Certified.


Introducing the Revolutionary WRAPCure Certified: A Game Changer in Resin Printing

Resin printing system manufacturer Onulis has recently unveiled its latest innovation, the WRAPCure Certified. Designed specifically for critical industries such as military, medical, and ISO Certified sectors, this post-curing unit is set to revolutionize the Digital Light Processing (DLP) technology space. By utilizing higher-intensity UV lights and incorporating traceable documentation, self-audit features, and component replacement choices, Onulis is spearheading a new era of DLP post-curing.

The Problem with Partially Cured Parts

DLP printing technology often results in partially cured parts. To achieve the desired material properties, these partially cured parts require additional exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light. However, the existing UV post-curing systems in the market have several shortcomings. They fail to provide wavelength or irradiance calibration documentation, lack the ability to measure or correct units in the field, and do not offer UV exposure to the downward-facing sections of components. This necessitates manual repositioning for uniform curing, causing inconvenience and inefficiency.

Wrapping Up the Solution

The WRAPCure Certified from Onulis aims to address these critical issues and revolutionize the UV post-curing process. Unlike other curing systems in the market, the WRAPCure Certified automatically supplies UV light to all surfaces simultaneously. This eliminates the need for manual rotation and flipping of parts during the curing process. In addition, this innovative system has the dual function of curing unused resin into a solid plastic for future use and safe disposal.

Precision and Reliability for Critical Applications

One of the major concerns with conventional UV post-curing methods is heat generation, which can distort components. Many existing systems rely on wide-spectrum Halide bulbs that emit uncontrolled heat, leading to the deformation of parts. Onulis, however, has adopted a preferred approach using higher intensity, directed UV lights. This ensures comprehensive part curing without the emission of detrimental infrared radiation, consequently preserving the structural integrity of parts.

Additionally, Onulis understands that certain materials require controlled heat exposure to achieve superior properties. To address this, the company recommends using a programmable oven only after a full UV post-cure is complete. This prevents warpage and distortion, ensuring the high-quality performance of critical parts.

Meeting Compliance Standards

Onulis recognizes the importance of ISO compliance for critical industries. To ensure adherence to industry standards, the WRAPCure Certified is accompanied by precise documentation for ISO 9000 Certified users. Users can also internally audit their system’s performance using a Self-Audit Kit provided by Onulis. This kit includes a calibrated measurement instrument, a custom fixture, and traceability documentation. Furthermore, Onulis offers a UV Recharge Pack, allowing hassle-free replacement of lights and electronic drivers for sustained system integrity and consistent curing.

A New Era in Resin Printing

With the launch of WRAPCure Certified, Onulis has positioned itself as a pioneer in the resin printing industry. By addressing the challenges faced by critical industries with its innovative post-curing system, Onulis is revolutionizing the DLP technology landscape. The WRAPCure Certified is set to enhance precision, reliability, and compliance in resin printing, ultimately leading to the production of high-quality, fully cured parts for critical applications.

In today’s blog post, we’re going to explore the unique advantages of the sources in WRAPCure Certified. These sources provide the necessary energy to meet material manufacturer standards without causing any damage to the parts due to excessive heat. This is achieved through the use of UV arrays that are linked to specific electronic driver circuits.

One of the key benefits of the WRAPCure Certified is its traceability. Each UV array undergoes multiple measurements and is documented during the initial manufacturing process. These measurements are then reassessed and documented when the arrays are integrated into the final system assembly. This ensures that the entire unit is certified and meets the required standards. The certifications are integrated into each system, providing traceability for the entire manufacturing process.

Another advantage of the WRAPCure Certified is its design for effortless replacement. The UV source and electronic driver light pack can be easily replaced, ensuring that the system remains in optimal working condition. This is particularly useful for ISO-9000 Certified customers who can conduct internal audits with precisely calibrated instruments. In case the UV light source deviates from the required specifications, a Recharge Pack is available to restore the system to its initial parameters.

These features make the WRAPCure Certified ideal for producing mission-critical components for military, medical, and research applications. It guarantees that the printed parts adhere to the manufacturer’s specifications and ensures that they are produced in line with the required standards.

In addition to its certifications and replaceable components, the WRAPCure Certified is also capable of curing residual resin from various printing machines. It can transform the resin into a solid plastic suitable for machining prototypes and fixtures. This makes it a versatile and efficient solution for waste management in the additive manufacturing industry.

Now, let’s take a look at the technical specifications of the WRAPCure Certified:

– Waste Printing Compatibility: PolyJet, Stereolithography, & DLP

– Vat Capacity: 7.5 L

– Throughput: Cures 30 days’ worth of waste resin in 6 hours

– Printed Plastic Stock: 14-inch diameter x 8-inch dp. cylinder

– Maximum Part Size: Automatic Rotation – 9.5 x 4 inches, Manual Rotation – 9.5 x 11.5 x 5 inches

– Curing Time: 5 – 30 minutes

– System Size & Weight: Standard – 26.5 x 16.5 x 28.7 inches, Extended – 26.5 x 16.5 x 39.2 inches, Weight – 60 lbs.

– Operating Conditions: Temperature – 65 – 95°F (18 – 35°C)

– Power Requirements: 100 – 120 VAC, 50 – 60 Hz, 6A, 1 phase (switchable to 220)

In conclusion, the WRAPCure Certified offers distinct advantages with its traceability, replaceable components, and ability to cure waste resin. It is a reliable and efficient solution for producing critical components and managing waste in the additive manufacturing industry.

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