Unveiling the 3D Printed Inconel in Koenigsegg Jesko’s Exhaust Headers: A Feature Review


Christian von Koenigsegg recently explored the complex engineering aspects of the Jesko hypercar in a new video. The assembly plant of the Jesko, which has been compared to a surgery room, showcases Koenigsegg’s careful manufacturing practices. A notable feature is its ‘Light Speed Transmission’ which includes nine gears and seven clutches. This transmission is assembled over a week per unit, indicating the brand’s dedication to accuracy.

The other significant highlight is the Jesko’s 5.0-litre twin-turbocharged V8 engine, which generates 1,280 horsepower with regular fuel and 1,600 with E85. Nevertheless, it’s the rapid revving and unique sound that steals the show, largely thanks to its 3D printed Inconel exhaust system. The employment of 3D printed Inconel for exhaust headers is a fresh strategy, highlighting the imaginative employment of sophisticated manufacturing methods in high-end automotive engineering.


The video provides a fascinating look into the construction and engineering of one of the most technologically advanced hypercars in the world. The Jesko is a prime example of the way advanced technology, such as 3D printing, is becoming a part of the automotive sector, especially in the high-performance vehicles sector.

Source: thedrive.com

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