Vectoflow Bags €4M Funding to Boost Aerospace and Energy Instrumentation through 3D Printing


Vectoflow, a specialist in flow measurement systems, has recently completed a significant funding milestone. The company secured €4 million in a Series A funding round, supported by a group of investors including Bayern Kapital Innovationsfonds II, WN Invest GmbH, ASTO Aerospace & Technology Park GmbH, argo vantage GmbH, Schwarz Holding GmbH, Dr. Rolf Pfeiffer, and seed investors AM Ventures and KfW Bankengruppe.

As detailed in a previous interview with, Vectoflow is unique in both its niche and technological approach. By applying additive manufacturing (AM) to the world of probes, the German startup is able to conquer a highly specific, but important market early on in its adoption of 3D printing. At the same time, the company is developing unique methods for producing these small, intricate parts, advancing laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) to print them.

Due to the size of the components made by the firm, Vectoflow is able to manufacture a larger number of probes within smaller machines. The investment will enable Vectoflow to expand into serial production, focusing on the aerospace and energy sectors, as it broadens its market reach. With products available both directly and through distributors, Vectoflow is set to reach a broader market.

Christian Haigermoser, co-founder and co-CEO of Vectoflow, expressed, “In preparing for future expansion, we are reinforcing our internal capabilities. Our emphasis is on the enhancement of additive manufacturing, trying to perfect post-processing of parts, betterment of instrumentation assembly, improvement of sensor calibration and designing software solutions for test rig data acquisition and supervision. Our comprehensive expertise in flow instrumentation design, production, and calibration is expected to be a primary supporter of business expansion in diverse markets.”

Katharina Kreitz, fellow co-founder and co-CEO, underscored the need to channel the existing customer trust for growth. “The trust we have earned from our current customers due to our performance is likely to be our key to expand in both existing and new markets. I am quite excited about entering the sectors of aerospace and wind energy, given their position as highly relevant markets for the future.”

The expansion plans of the company also feature increased engagement within the U.S. This move reflects the considerable presence of the company’s customer base in this region. Haigermoser indicated to that such a move will enable the company to engage more directly with customers, while also satisfying the needs of International Traffic in Arms Regulations projects.

“We aim to establish facilities in the US similar to those in Germany, which include both production and calibration,” shared Haigermoser.

Assuming sufficient demand, the company could potentially procure a large-scale metal 3D printer, potentially from AMCM, to manufacture a significant volume of probes. This is reminiscent of what fellow AM Ventures portfolio startup Conflux Technologies did for its heat exchangers. Haigermoser confided the possibility, though the specific brand and model of the machine remains undetermined.

“Decisions about 3D printers, whether they’ll be from AMCM or from a different vendor, are yet to be made. Our goal is certain, we’re aiming for printers that can cater to high tolerance standards”, Haigermoser shared. Given that Vectoflow already holds prestigious clients like Siemens, Toyota, and Airbus, such demand would not be unexpected.

The wind energy market is experiencing steady growth, both in terms of operation and machine sizes. Meanwhile, one significant application Vectoflow aims to target in aerospace is unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), currently in use across various sectors beyond defense. In both domains, each unit requires instrumentation for overseeing efficiency and other parameters.

“Vectoflow’s forthcoming markets will feature UAVs”, Haigermoser relayed to “Further, we are in the process of developing a solution that enhances wind turbine operational efficiency with an aerospace-derived product. This is initiated while retaining and expanding the instrumentation business that Vectoflow has been managing for years.”

Vectoflow’s in-house wind tunnel for probe calibration. Image courtesy of Vectoflow.

The wind energy segment is expected to reach $90.33 billion in 2023, while the market for drones is predicted to hit USD $38.03 billion in 2023. Further, one market report estimates that the global market for measurement probes was valued at $717.5 million in 2022 with an estimated compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.8 percent that would result in a $1.06 billion industry by 2028.

Johann Oberhofer, Managing Partner of AM Ventures, is convinced that Vectoflow will set new standards with its probes: “We are proud of having supported Vectoflow from its early stage. Katharina Kreitz and Christian Haigermoser recognized that industrial 3D printing is predestinated for fluid-dynamic metrology devices due to its freedom of design allowing very complex structures. The fact that Vectoflow’s customers are now directing their attention towards series production projects underscores the expertise they have diligently cultivated over the years in the R&D sector. With both existing and new partners on board, we are looking forward to support their further development and growth into series manufacturing.”

It’s no wonder then that Vectoflow has been successful with its latest funding round. It’s exactly this narrow type of focus that can drive a profitable outcome, which falls in line with AM Ventures’ broader investment strategy. To discuss this strategy, AM Ventures will be on site at the Additive Manufacturing Strategies business summit on February 6-8, 2024. The firm will be the Networking Sponsor for the Bavarian Beer & Pretzels Networking Reception, while Managing Partner Arno Held will be giving the keynote on “Venture Capital” and participating in the “Printing Money: M&A and Public Markets” panel.

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