Weekly Literature Spotlight: Value Proposition Design


Value Proposition Design [Source: Amazon]

This week’s selection is “Value Proposition Design: How to Create Products and Services Customers Want” by Alexander Osterwalder, Yves Pigneur, Gregory Bernarda, and Alan Smith.

This is a book that will turn your mind around when designing products. Many 3D printer operators have notions of 3D printing items for sale, and many have been quite successful doing so. But how have they managed to succeed? What’s the magic?

Is it simply having a good idea?

Yes, that’s essentially the answer: if your product is something people actually want and need, they will buy it. If not, they won’t. Regrettably, many novice designers are under the false impression that their “good idea” is what people desire.

Most often, they do not.

This revelation might make surprise many designers since it highlights that every individual has diverse needs, experiences, and circumstances. The focus should be on creating products that they require, not what you need.

So how can one ascertain what others need? That’s where this book comes into play. It consists of a variety of explanations and methodologies that can be utilized to systematically determine product designs that people actually want.

Every entrepreneur quickly grasps one key lesson: product and service concepts necessitate public validation. Soliciting opinions from trusted associates on whether they like something is insufficient; you must question unfamiliar people on whether they would actually spend money on the product. That’s the only true way to ascertain if you have a viable product.

Nevertheless, that’s merely one approach. This book is a treasure trove of ideas and methodologies for spotting, generating, and validating products that are guaranteed to sell.

This book is essential for those who own a small print farm and possess a yearning to print and sell products.

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Via Amazon

Original source


“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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