3D Printing Enhancements: How Black Buffalo 3D is Expanding its Construction Printing in the Caribbean and South America


Black Buffalo 3D has recently disclosed a new partnership with Innova Homes Limited. Their aim is to bring the innovation of 3D construction printing to the Caribbean and South America. This implies the use of 3D printers in building houses and creating training programs for those in the construction field. Black Buffalo 3D will make use of Innova Build, a subdivision of Innova Homes, as their local distributor and attendant service provider across regions like Trinidad, Tobago, Guyana, among others.

Black Buffalo 3D’s technology allows the construction of a 40 x 40 ft house within just a mere 30 hours, boasting higher strength and resilience than traditional CMU block construction. The homes will be completed by knowledgable tradespeople, tackling tasks such as roofing, mechanical, electrical, and plumbing, with a focus on aesthetic enhancement as well.

The two companies share a vision: to provide accessible housing and infrastructural development in areas that need it the most. With Innova’s wealth of experience in civil engineering, construction, and project management, they prove to be a valuable partner, as they also are acquainted with the local regions.

In the image, we see a site where the Black Buffalo 3D construction printer is being used (Image Credit: Black Buffalo 3D).

“There’s a definite housing crunch in our area, as the supply of quality, affordable homes isn’t measuring up to demand, according to Innova Homes Limited CEO, Andy Salandy.

“The growth of 3D construction technology has been on our radar for quite some time, and we’re thrilled to be leading the charge in adopting this technology, working together with the Black Buffalo 3D team. This move enables us to deploy innovative construction methods and utilize state-of-the-art equipment to meet a variety of housing needs, from affordable homes to luxury custom builds, for individuals in the Caribbean and South America.”

The recent achievement of Black Buffalo 3D, over their 3D printed walls receiving ICC-ES AC509 certification in 2022, makes this collaboration strategic. Both companies share a common focus on robotics, automation, and advanced materials science, setting the stage for a revolution in housing construction across these regions.

We are eager to hear your views on our partnership – chime in on our Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn pages. Stay updated on the latest developments by signing up for our weekly newsletter on additive manufacturing.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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