3D Printing now incorporates Ansys Simulation, Carbon Fiber Reinforcement, and various other enhancements according to Materialise.


Materialise, the 3D printing software and service company, recently unveiled a new holistic process quality system for its collaborative additive manufacturing (CO-AM) platform. This system aims to revolutionize quality and process control in certified manufacturing by offering users in-depth analysis through data correlation across all stages of production. As part of this news, Materialise has announced partnerships with DigiFabster, Reinforce3D, and Ansys.

The CO-AM Quality & Process Control (QPC) system is designed to enhance additive manufacturing (AM) by providing comprehensive quality and process control for certified production. It enables the collection, monitoring, analysis, and correlation of critical data throughout different stages of product development. By integrating data from various AM sources such as 3D models, materials, process parameters, and quality inspections, manufacturers can achieve a detailed view of their production processes and their interrelated aspects.

The QPC suite has evolved with the introduction of the QPC Layer Analysis module, which allows for the examination of layer data and its correlation with CT scans. Additionally, the QPC Process Lab module fosters team collaboration by centralizing data, thereby speeding up product development and enhancing process validation. These functionalities are encapsulated within Materialise’s CO-AM software platform, which offers a range of tools for the planning, management, and optimization of 3D printing processes. CO-AM integrates solutions from Materialise and other partners to address aspects like design automation, mass customization, and post-processing, streamlining the management of diverse AM technologies on a single platform.

In a bid to improve the user experience and streamline the manufacturing process, Materialise has partnered with DigiFabster. The integration of DigiFabster’s e-commerce and automated quoting solutions into Materialise’s CO-AM platform aims to offer a more efficient, customer-centric approach. This integration utilizes machine learning to expedite the quoting process, making it possible for customers to receive quotes at any time. Such modernization of the ordering system streamlines order management and provides real-time updates, ultimately saving time and reducing costs for manufacturers. The collaboration focuses on improving the speed and reliability of manufacturing services, crucial factors for customer satisfaction and business success.

Materialise has also entered into a strategic partnership with simulation software giant Ansys to further strengthen its software capabilities. This collaboration aims to integrate simulation technology within Materialise’s Magics software, providing users with a unified workflow that enhances efficiency and reduces the need for specialized engineering knowledge. The seamless integration of Ansys Additive Suite into Magics streamlines the process from build and data preparation to simulation, facilitating a more cohesive and efficient workflow. This integration is poised to drive innovation across industries, including medical and aerospace, by enabling a faster time-to-market and more precise distortion compensation. The Ansys Additive Suite is a comprehensive simulation platform designed to enhance additive manufacturing workflows from start to finish.

While both CO-AM and the Ansys Additive Suite offer a wide range of tools and features, one may wonder if Autocorrect tool from AMAIZE software developed by Berlin-Los Angeles startup, 1000 Kelvin, would be added to either platform. AMAIZE recently announced the full commercialization of its artificial intelligence-driven software, including integration with EOS and Nikon SLM Solutions. If AMAIZE proves to deliver first-time-right 3D printing as promised, its integration into CO-AM or the Additive Suite could significantly complement the existing tools.

In addition to its software enhancements, Materialise has implemented the Continuous Fiber Injection Process (CFIP) from Reinforce3D to expand its manufacturing capabilities. CFIP is an innovative post-processing technology that enhances the mechanical strength and lightness of 3D printed parts by infusing them with continuous fibers like carbon fibers.

Overall, Materialise’s new process quality system, partnerships, and expanded manufacturing capabilities demonstrate the company’s commitment to advancing additive manufacturing and providing comprehensive solutions to address the complex challenges within the industry. With its focus on quality, process control, and collaboration, Materialise continues to pave the way for innovation and efficiency in certified manufacturing.

Title: Materialise’s CO-AM Innovation Marks a New Era in 3D Printing

Original excerpt:

“It reinforces the parts post-production, rather than during the printing process. It involves injecting continuous fibers along with a liquid resin into hollow channels within the part. After injection, the part undergoes a curing process, solidifying the resin and bonding the fibers to the part’s structure.”

Fabricating objects through additive manufacturing, or 3D printing, has revolutionized various industries by providing efficient and cost-effective manufacturing solutions. One of the leading players in this field, Materialise, has recently introduced a groundbreaking innovation to their process – Continuous Fiber Integration Printing (CO-AM). This technology promises to enhance the structural integrity of printed parts by reinforcing them after the printing process, transforming the way we approach post-production.

Traditional 3D printing techniques often struggle to produce objects with high mechanical strength and durability. CO-AM tackles this challenge by injecting continuous fibers, alongside a liquid resin, into hollow channels within the part. This injection is followed by a curing process, during which the resin solidifies and forms a bond with the fibers, strengthening the structure of the printed object.

The real advantage of CO-AM lies in its ability to direct fiber placement in complex patterns and trajectories, allowing for the creation of intricate and resilient designs. Moreover, it is compatible with a wide range of additive manufacturing materials, including plastics, metals, and ceramics. This versatility opens up endless possibilities for creating objects with diverse materials and properties.

Another noteworthy aspect of CO-AM is its potential to construct large-scale, multi-material structures. By connecting separate parts using continuous fiber links, this technology enables the creation of seamless and robust integral joints. The result is a stronger, more efficient manufacturing process that can produce complex objects with exceptional structural integrity.

This innovation arrives at a significant juncture for Materialise, as they go through a leadership transition. After an impressive 33-year tenure, CEO Fried Vancrean is retiring and will assume the position of Chairman of the Board starting January 1st. Taking the reins as CEO will be Brigitte de Vet-Veithen, who has been with Materialise since 2016 and has been instrumental in leading Materialise Medical.

Materialise’s Q3 2023 earnings report indicates a positive financial outlook, with significant increases in revenue, EBITDA, net profit, and investor confidence. Despite challenges in the manufacturing sector, largely due to a slowdown in the prototyping markets, the medical segment has experienced substantial growth under de Vet-Veithen’s leadership. These results demonstrate the company’s strong financial position, with substantial cash reserves and a solid net cash position, making Materialise a reliable and stable stalwart in the world of additive manufacturing.

As CO-AM continues to evolve and gain traction, it has the potential to bring stability to the whole 3D printing industry. By raising the bar in terms of structural integrity and durability, this innovation paves the way for a new era of additive manufacturing. Stay informed about the latest developments in the 3D printing industry and receive valuable insights and offers from third-party vendors by signing up for regular updates.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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