3DBGPRINT aims to take 3D printing in Bulgaria to new heights.


When it comes to the adoption of additive manufacturing, it’s important to acknowledge the unsung heroes of our industry – 3D printing service providers. These service bureaus go beyond simply selling AM solutions; they also have the ability to create parts for clients using various 3D technologies. Additionally, they play a crucial role in training and education, especially in countries that are still new to these technologies. In fact, the 3D printing service bureau market was valued at $7.8 billion worldwide in 2022, according to Persistence Market Research.

One such exceptional service provider is 3DBGPRINT, a Bulgarian company that has been pushing the boundaries of what they do in the additive manufacturing ecosystem. Founded in 2013, their mission is to inform, educate, and provide access to 3D printing technologies in the Bulgarian market. Over the years, they have become incredibly successful, offering not only 3D printer sales but also training, installation, and maintenance services.

To supply parts for their customers, 3DBGPRINT has invested in a wide range of 3D printers, including over 40 FDM printers (including large-format solutions) and three SLS printers of various sizes. This allows them to ensure both speed and cost-efficiency in their operations.

However, 3DBGPRINT is not content with resting on their laurels. They have several exciting upcoming projects in the pipeline, including the development of their own filament, which is expected to be launched in December. This move demonstrates the company’s commitment to providing high-quality materials to their customers.

But 3DBGPRINT’s expansion doesn’t stop there. They are also working on a variety of applications for different clients. For example, they are collaborating with partners in the fashion industry to create 3D printed torsos. This customization is essential in fashion, as each piece of clothing must fit the wearer perfectly.

Another partnership involves working with a Bulgarian business called Skink, which specializes in training products for micropigmentation and scalp micropigmentation. 3DBGPRINT is responsible for the large-scale production of 3D printed tutorial materials for practical exercises in these fields. This includes 3D printed anatomical heads that trainees can work on to perfect their skills in micropigmentation and SMP. This showcases the continued prominence of 3D printing in Bulgaria and its applications in various industries.

With these projects, 3DBGPRINT aims to showcase the versatility and potential of additive manufacturing. By continuously pushing the boundaries and exploring new applications, they are not only expanding their offerings but also contributing to the overall growth of the AM industry.

In conclusion, 3D printing service providers play a crucial role in the adoption of additive manufacturing. Companies like 3DBGPRINT are not only selling AM solutions but also creating parts for clients, providing training and education, and pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the industry. Their ongoing projects and collaborations demonstrate the wide range of applications for 3D printing and the exciting future ahead for this technology.

Have you ever wondered how 3D printing is revolutionizing various industries? Well, look no further! 3DBGPRINT, a leading 3D printing studio in the Balkans, is offering high-quality services that are making a significant impact in the world.

At 3DBGPRINT, they are committed to staying ahead of the curve by continuously introducing new 3D technologies. As our lives become increasingly dependent on these advancements, it is crucial to have access to top-notch 3D printing services. With their expertise and state-of-the-art equipment, 3DBGPRINT is poised to meet these needs with utmost excellence.

You may be curious about the projects that 3DBGPRINT has worked on. To learn more about their impressive portfolio, be sure to visit their website. There, you will find detailed information about the various projects they have successfully completed. From medical devices to architectural models, 3DBGPRINT has demonstrated their versatility and ability to tackle a wide range of projects.

But enough about us talking about them – what do you think of 3DBGPRINT? We would love to hear your thoughts and opinions! Please leave a comment below or reach out to us on our LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter pages. Your feedback is invaluable to us.

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In conclusion, 3DBGPRINT is a 3D printing studio that is setting the bar high in terms of quality and innovation. Their dedication to staying at the forefront of 3D technologies is commendable, as it allows us to benefit from these advancements in our day-to-day lives. So, whether you’re in need of a prototype or a complex model, 3DBGPRINT is the one-stop solution for all your 3D printing needs.

*All Photo Credits: 3DBGPRINT

Original source


“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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