3devo Discontinues Sale of Filament Recycling Equipment Amidst New Business Direction


As 2023 draws to a close, 3devo, a leading company in the production of 3D printing material processing systems, issued a statement outlining their decision to alter their business model.

In their announcement, the key change outlined was a shift from their previous conventional sales model. The company would cease selling its 3D printing filament recycling technology directly.

To their stakeholders, partners, and customers, 3devo explained its plan as a ‘bold move’ designed to ‘expand our influence and enhance our support’ for the projects they undertake in collaboration with their customers and partners.

Established in the Netherlands, the company has provided further details about this new strategy. Tim Wesselink, CEO of 3devo, explained that the firm would transition away from direct equipment sales and towards a subscription-based “leasing model”. This allows customers to hire equipment as and when required.

The company also pledges its full support to clients at all stages of their projects. This includes bespoke tailoring of 3devo equipment according to customers’ needs. The ongoing provision of spare parts for previously purchased machinery is still ensured for existing customers. Consumers can also continue their hardware purchases via 3devo’s reseller networks.

Wesselink is optimistic that this novel strategy will “synchronize customer success with our own triumph,” aiming at facilitating 1 million 3D printing breakthroughs by 2032. This revised business approach is purported to be more economical for clients, decreasing the financial liabilities linked to 3D printing ventures.

Customers have the freedom to choose between monthly and annual payments for this service, with three distinct subscription packages – Discovery, Core Project, and Advanced.

Wesselink expressed his belief in the official announcement video, stating, “We are convinced that it is our responsibility to stand by a client throughout this journey, balancing the risk and value fairly, given that investing in a solution you are not entirely confident will achieve your goals carries its fair share of risk.”

“We believe as a company we should be carrying this responsibility together with our clients as a partner and taking steps together towards that goal.”

3devo’s 3D printing portfolio

Founded in 2016, 3devo produces hardware that enables users to recycle old material and create their own 3D printing filaments.

The company first entered the 3D printing market with the launch of the NEXT 1.0 and Advanced extruders. Both systems allow users to recycle unwanted 3D prints into new filament, yielding interesting material combinations in the process.

The company has since expanded its portfolio with the launch of the GP20 2-in-one Shredder Hybrid for recycling 3D printing plastics, as well as purging materials such as the DevoClean Midtemp EZ.

Most recently, the company launched the Filament Maker TWO at Formnext 2023. This upgraded system integrates advanced data insights, improved extrusion control, precision, and stability. The Filament Maker TWO is targeted towards technical teams, educational institutions, and public labs, thanks to its user-friendly design.

This new material processing system is available in two models – Fusion and HighFlow. The Fusion configuration is optimized for research and development applications, enabling material mixing and the creation of custom filaments. HighFlow is designed for production applications, providing a steady flow suitable for compound or virgin materials.

The GP20 2-in-1 shredder and granulator.

A fresh approach to customer success with a new business model

By incorporating a step-by-step method in their new business model, 3devo aims to work closely with their clients to ensure their technology comfortably aligns with the project specifications. Initial interaction with the customer involves an evaluation phase for understanding the project, ascertaining the feasibility of the objectives, and delineating the best course of action to meet these aims.

It’s crucial to note that not all client projects will be compatible with 3devo’s technology. “Our goal is to establish clear and honest communication about our capabilities and potential limitations in order to align expectations,” stated Wesselink. This initial phase demands minimal time and financial investments from both parties.

In the subsequent phase, 3devo provides its clients with an opportunity to evaluate the hardware choices and decide on the technology best suited for their projects. This process is facilitated through workshops, hosted either by 3devo in-house or at the client’s site. Once the hardware selection is confirmed, customers have the option to lease the equipment from 3devo.

According to 3devo, this model is risk free, with customers able to return equipment if it is not performing as hoped. Users can also return hardware once it is no longer required, saving money compared to if they had purchased the hardware outright. 

3devo will also work to tailor hardware to meet specific customer requirements through co-development and co-creation. Moreover, 3devo’s Advanced support extends beyond project completion, to ensure long-term project success and evolution.     

“The leasing model basically means that you can get access to the equipment in a way where you’re relatively free of failure, meaning that if you don’t reach your goal, you can send the equipment back. You’re not financially committed,” explained Wesselink. “If you’re done with your innovation, then the hardware comes back, and we can place it at a customer that does need it.”

A 3devo engineer works on a Filament Maker TWO. Photo via 3devo.

Expanding the Accessibility of Recycled 3D Printing Material

One of the key priorities in the domain of 3D printing is the sustenance of its processes. Chain supplies are secured and the environment’s deterioration is mitigated by production companies by creating recycled items. A Life Cycle Analysis released last year by KIMYA claimed that the adoption of recycled PETG filaments can lower CO2 emissions from 3D printing by a significant 35%.

In California, industrial designer Reiten Cheng conceptualized an innovative open-source equipment capable of converting discarded plastic bottles into usable recycled 3D printing filament. Named ‘Polyformer’, this scalable machine’s components can be 3D printed, simplifying the fabrication of self-made filament recycling systems for makers. Additionally, Cheng has made a comprehensive guide to construct the Polyformer freely accessible on GitHub.

Simultaneously, the UK houses the 3D printing filament producer Filamentive, which supplies a variety of biodegradable and recycled filaments. The prior year witnessed the company’s introduction of its Economy PLA, composed of up to 99.99% recycled material. This product, available in black and white, presents a promising environmentally-friendly alternative in the market of 3D printing filament.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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