3DPrinting.com reports that Helixx has revealed a commercial vehicle manufactured using 3D printing.


Introducing the Revolutionary 3D Printed Delivery Van: Helixx Takes a Bold Step in Vehicle Production

In a groundbreaking move, British company Helixx has unveiled its highly anticipated all-electric delivery van, setting the stage for a series of innovative commercial vehicles. What sets this compact van apart is its use of 3D printing technology, a game-changer in the manufacturing industry.

Measuring at 3.2m in length and 1.5m in width, this sleek van boasts an impressive interior storage capacity of 2,100 liters and can handle a payload of up to 500 kg. Designed with practicality in mind, its rear door measures 110cm wide and the load bay stretches to an impressive 140cm in length, allowing it to accommodate standard shipping pallets effortlessly.

But perhaps one of the most impressive features of this van is its single-seat central driving position. By positioning the driver in the center of the vehicle, Helixx maximizes cargo space and eliminates the need for adjustments in left-hand drive regions. This innovative concept not only enhances efficiency but also simplifies the manufacturing process, saving time and costs.

The structural and aesthetic elements of the van are all 3D printed, making assembly a breeze. The body is made up of five primary components that interlock seamlessly without the need for welding. This not only streamlines the manufacturing process but also reduces production time by approximately 50%.

Helixx’s ambitious vision involves setting up “Mobility Hubs” worldwide, where the van can be assembled using 3D printing technology for all vehicle parts. This forward-thinking approach has the potential to reshape local vehicle production methods and open up new opportunities in emerging markets. With this level of flexibility in manufacturing, Helixx is undoubtedly set to influence the future of the commercial vehicle landscape.

Excitingly, Helixx plans to commence production of this groundbreaking delivery van in 2024, starting with a limited run of 100 vehicles for the UK market. This will serve as a pivotal moment for the company, laying the foundation for future expansion and global reach.

The implications of Helixx’s foray into 3D printed commercial vehicles are vast. Not only will it revolutionize the way vehicles are manufactured, but it will also pave the way for endless possibilities in terms of design and customization. By harnessing the power of additive manufacturing, Helixx is poised to lead the charge in transforming the automotive industry.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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