3DStart-Up BIO INX is currently working on developing cutting-edge bio inks for 3D printing.


Is 3D Bioprinting the Future of Organ Transplants?

One of the most commonly asked questions in the field of 3D bioprinting is, “When will we be able to print usable organs?” This question highlights the growing interest and anticipation surrounding this revolutionary technology. Over the years, there have been numerous groundbreaking advancements in the field, such as the printing of neural networks, bioactive bone structures, and even wound-healing bio-inks.

Not only is bioprinting a topic of great interest within the scientific community, but it has also become a lucrative business. According to a report by Markets and Markets, the 3D bioprinting market is projected to reach a staggering $3.3 billion by 2027, which is a significant increase from the $2 billion in 2022. This tremendous growth reflects the continuous research and development of new processes and bio-inks that can drive the progress and profitability of this industry.

However, in order to successfully print organs, muscles, and tissues, one crucial element is required – cellular material. These bio-inks serve as the building blocks for additive manufacturing processes. One company that specializes in producing such bio-inks is BIO INX, a Belgian startup that is dedicated to developing innovative and high-performance inks to advance the field of biofabrication.

To gain a deeper understanding of BIO INX and its exciting projects, we had the opportunity to interview the CEO, Jasper Van Hoorick. As a cofounder of the company, Jasper’s passion for 3D bioprinting began during his PhD at Ghent University and Vrije Universiteit Brussel. His research focused on the development of biocompatible materials, such as Gelatin and Polyesters, for 3D bioprinting technologies.

During this time, Jasper and BIO INX’s CSO, Aysu Arslan, successfully patented several materials that they had developed for 3D bioprinting. Recognizing the potential of their research, they were driven to ensure that it didn’t remain confined within academia. They were inspired to bridge the gap between research and practical application by bringing their technology to the next stage.

Collaborations with research groups, including the one led by Aleks Ovsianikov in Vienna, further fueled their ambitions. Agnes Dobos, an application specialist at BIO INX, was conducting her PhD in Ovsianikov’s research group, which strengthened their resolve to commercialize their materials. They realized that if these promising materials were to be brought closer to patients, it required someone to actively take the research beyond academia.

Motivated by this realization, Jasper, Aysu, and their team applied for funding and grants to explore the creation of a spin-off company. They received strong support from An Van Den Bulcke, a business developer at UGent, who had played a significant role in the development of gel-ma, one of the most popular materials in the 3D bioprinting world. This collaboration felt like a full circle, as BIO INX supplied gelatin-based materials, building upon Van Den Bulcke’s previous work.

After two years of incubation at the university, BIO INX was officially launched in April 2022. Their mission is to provide reliable and standardized bioinks that enable the printing of cells with unprecedented resolutions. Different printing technologies have varying requirements, such as controlled flow and shape fixation for extrusion printing, or fast and biocompatible photocuring reactions for light-based printing.

With a strong focus on rheological and photocuring properties, BIO INX aims to offer bio-inks that meet the specific demands of each printing technology. By doing so, they hope to contribute to advancements in the field of 3D bioprinting and ultimately bring us closer to the day when printing usable organs becomes a reality.

In conclusion, the field of 3D bioprinting holds tremendous potential for the future of organ transplants. The continuous research and development, as well as the growing interest from both the scientific community and the market, are driving the progress in this field. Companies like BIO INX are at the forefront of this innovation, pushing the boundaries of what is possible and paving the way for a future where organ shortages become a thing of the past.

The field of bioink development is a fascinating and complex one. As researchers strive to create functional, living tissues through 3D printing, they face various challenges unique to each printing technology. For instance, two-photon polymerization (2PP) printing requires specific two-photon photoinitiating systems that can be quite tricky to work with. On the other hand, digital light projection (DLP) printing necessitates the confinement of the photocuring reaction within the material, which calls for different photoactive systems.

Despite these technical requirements, bioinks also need to exhibit biocompatible behavior towards different cell types. This delicate balance between technical specifications and compatibility makes bioink development an intriguing endeavor.

My team is currently involved in two major projects that exemplify the complexity and potential of bioinks. The first project, HU3DINKS, focuses on generating bioinks from human placenta as an alternative to animal-derived materials like gelatin. With partners from Austria and support from VLAIO and FFG, we aim to create bioinks that not only mimic natural tissue more effectively but also do so in an animal-free manner, aligning with the principles of Refine, Reduce, and Replace (the 3Rs) in animal-based studies.

The second project, Astrocardia, is equally groundbreaking. Here, we aim to 3D print cardiac tissue inside a microfluidic chip using 2PP printing. What makes this project unique is that the chip will be sent to space to study the effect of aging on cardiac cells. We know from literature that aging is accelerated in space compared to Earth. By sending 3D printed vascularized heart-on-chip models to space, we can delve deeper into the effects of aging on the heart, a significant factor in the development of heart issues. This collaboration involves several Flemish companies and organizations, supported by VLAIO, Medvia, and Flanders Space, with the launch of the chip systems planned for 2025.

Apart from these projects, we are also engaged in custom research projects for customers and are developing our patented Curasol technology. Curasol enables the curing of certain materials in the solid state, without the need for solvents. This technology allows for the extrusion printing of thermoplastics, followed by photocuring, resulting in unique properties such as elasticity and shape memory.

One of the most notable advantages of 2PP printing is its ability to print at subcellular dimensions, making it possible to recreate the complex architecture of living tissues. This is particularly crucial for tissue function. Furthermore, 2PP printing enables the straightforward printing of structures within microfluidic chips, creating organ-on-chip models for drug and cosmetics screening applications. Over the past decade, the technology has made significant strides in terms of printing speed and object size. However, large structures still take a considerable amount of time to print due to the intricate resolution and scanning principle of the laser.

While we believe that the technology is on the cusp of transitioning from research to application, there are still challenges to overcome. One major hurdle is the regulatory pathway, especially when living cells are involved in the printing process. To ensure quality and reproducibility in all aspects, including materials, printing processes, and cell culture, standardization is crucial. Only through standardization and reproducibility can we pave the way for clinical applications.

It is important to note that while we envision the development of fully functioning human organs through 3D printing, the initial focus is on “simple” tissues like cartilage, bone, or cornea. These tissues lay the foundation for more complex organs in the future.

In conclusion, the field of bioink development is incredibly exciting and challenging. Through innovative projects and technologies, we are pushing the boundaries of what is possible in tissue engineering. As we continue to navigate the complexities of different printing technologies and regulatory requirements, we remain committed to advancing the field and ultimately improving healthcare outcomes for patients.

Title: Revolutionizing the Fashion Industry: The Promise of BIO INX


Welcome to our blog post where we will explore the exciting advancements happening in the field of biofabrication with a specific focus on BIO INX – a 3D startup that has caught our attention. As the demand for 3D printed tissues and organs continues to grow, standardization becomes a critical factor in driving the progress of biofabrication. Join us as we delve into the potential that BIO INX holds and discuss whether it could revolutionize the fashion industry. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below or on our social media platforms!

The Exciting Field of Biofabrication:

Biofabrication is a rapidly advancing field that holds immense potential for the development of tissues and organs. The ability to recreate complex structures in a controlled manner opens up new possibilities in regenerative medicine, drug testing, and even fashion. The market is currently witnessing an array of exciting developments, and we are thrilled to contribute to this transformative era.

The Importance of Standardization:

One crucial aspect that drives the progress of biofabrication is standardization. Our ability to consistently reproduce desired structures and ensure their functionality is what sets the foundation for the application of 3D printed tissues and organs. Standardized bioinks play a pivotal role in achieving this consistency, enabling researchers and scientists to work with reliable materials that yield reproducible results. BIO INX recognizes the significance of standardized bioinks and has incorporated them into their vision.

BIO INX: Empowering the Dream of 3D Printed Tissues and Organs:

BIO INX, our chosen 3D startup of the month, aims to revolutionize the field of biofabrication by providing high-quality, standardized bioinks. Their dedication to developing reliable materials ensures that researchers and scientists can focus on pushing the boundaries of tissue engineering. By offering a range of bioinks specifically designed for avascular tissues and other applications not requiring vasculature, BIO INX addresses a critical need in the industry.

Beyond Healthcare: Revolutionizing the Fashion Industry:

While the healthcare sector is the primary beneficiary of biofabrication advancements, the fashion industry could also witness a revolution. BIO INX’s bioinks, with their customizable properties, hold immense potential in the realm of fashion design. Imagine clothing items tailored to perfectly fit an individual’s body, with intricate patterns and textures achieved through 3D printing. BIO INX’s bioinks could pave the way for sustainable, personalized fashion, reducing waste and pushing the boundaries of creativity.

Join the Discussion:

We invite you to share your thoughts on BIO INX and the potential it holds. Do you believe this startup could revolutionize the fashion industry? How do you envision the future of 3D printed fashion? Leave a comment below or reach out to us on our social media platforms. Don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter to stay updated with the latest 3D printing news delivered straight to your inbox. You can also explore our YouTube channel for informative videos.


In conclusion, biofabrication is an incredibly exciting field with the potential to revolutionize healthcare and the fashion industry. Standardization, including the development of reliable bioinks, is crucial in driving the progress of 3D printed tissues and organs. BIO INX, our 3D startup of the month, is at the forefront of this movement, offering standardized bioinks that cater to the needs of researchers and scientists. With their advancements, we can hope to witness a future where personalized, sustainable fashion becomes a reality. Stay tuned for more updates on the latest technological advancements in the world of 3D printing!

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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