8 Amazing 3D Printed Violins You Can Print At Home


Violins are centuries-old instruments that have transcended the boundaries of the classical genre they’re known for, and entered more modern musical areas such as polka and even rock. As the instrument itself is as ageless as its potential is vast, 3D printed violin designs have become as creative as the music they play.

Modular Violin 1

Violin making has always been something of an art form in and of itself, and since such instruments come in many shapes and sizes, there are many are fully playable designs that range from traditional looks to aesthetically wondrous marvels.

Here we will look at some of the coolest and most creative instruments available online to download and print from home and even play, as well as bows and other additions to bring your new and personal twists to this widely known 16th-century instrument.

These designs range from regular violin models to more modern takes on the popular instruments that are perfect for music students and engineering alike. So if either of those describe you, or even if you follow any other disciplines but are still interested in designing and printing durable violins for yourself, then you’ve come to the right place.

Table Of Contents
  1. The Strativariant eViolin Rev 3
  2. 3DVarius
  3. The Classic Violin
  4. The Full-Size Acoustic Violin
  5. The 8-Bit Violin
  6. The F-F-Fiddle
  7. Modular Fiddles
  8. Piezoelectric Violins
  9. 3D Printed Violin Accessories
    • Bow Guides
    • Chinrests
    • Violin Stands

The Strativariant eViolin Rev 3


If the sound of the words ‘electric violin’ don’t get you excited, then we don’t know what will. This third version of a 3D printed violin is designed to work with an amp similarly to an electric guitar, combining new technology with old production techniques.

This crossbow-looking 3D printed violin is an easy-print design that had a lot of passion put into its designs and redesigns before landing on the gorgeous look you can see in the finished body.

Red and Black Alt Design

Along with the files are detailed instructions to tell you exactly how to set it up and plug it all in to check the acoustics. Because this is a multi-piece print, it can be produced in any combination of colors you like, though we prefer this sleek red and black look, as well as explore any other design modifications to make this violin your own.

While the prints may be easy, the assembly will take a little bit of engineering, but the end result shows that the effort is well worth it. If you’d rather peruse the older or alternate designs, they are also included in the link here.


3D Printed Violin 3DVarius

For those of you who want to 3D print violin models but lack the necessary hardware to do so, French company 3Dvarius makes and sells 3D electric printed violins that sound as good as they look.

Started by French engineer and virtuoso Laurent Bernadac via Kickstarter, these trail-blazing 3D printed electric violins are a unique take on a traditional violin born from combining Bernadac’s twin passions of construction and music.

The 3DVarius violins are light in weight with a sleek design that has been perfected in form and function from its early iteration through dedicated trial-and-error, so their collection is worth it to explore at least. If you don’t believe us, you can watch Bernadac himself alongside the musical talent of Pauline Henric in this video here.

While this lets you bypass printing costs, the violins themselves start at around $1,400, while the most expensive instrument has a cost in the realm of around $7,600. So you will need to bust out your wallet if you’re set on playing one of these beauties.

The Classic Violin

  • Download: Pinshape
  • Designer: bchan
  • Price: Free
Acoustic Violin 2

While electric instruments may be the truest way to modernize old classics, many still prefer an early iteration of their favorite. And so this beautiful acoustic piece was designed as a 3D printed violin with tradition in mind.

The elegance and sheen of this violin was accomplished with an SLA 3D printer along with appropriate materials, and the designer has not tested the prints on FDM printers. However, the design as it is in the files here result in a fully playable and remarkably picturesque 3D printed violins.

The Full-Size Acoustic Violin

  • Download: Thingiverse
  • Designer: Woody2552
  • Price: Free
3D Printed Violin Example Design

When an artist updates a work-in-progress production for the last time, it means that they believe they’ve accomplished something special.

While the designer admits that this design for a 3D printed acoustic violin isn’t perfect, it is both aesthetically pleasing and playable. The finish in the example image included in this link looks more like a painting than an instrument, this is a 3D printed violin any musician would be happy to have in their home.

The designer recommends protective eyewear during post-print assembly, as some of the parts are thin and may break while stringing.

Some parts of this design may need a little tweaking, but with a careful look at the measurements, you can tweak the sizes to get them just right and ensure this design can become a personal instrument that you can be proud to have made yourself.

The 8-Bit Violin

8-Bit Violin

This 3D printed violin may not be as polished as others, but you can’t deny it’s a unique look that may be directed towards old-school gamers, but can easily appeal to anyone who wants to 3D print something a little bit different.

The designer for this 3D printed instrument admits that the files are somewhat slapdash, and has uploaded them for others to work on, tweak, and improve to see what they can do.

While to some, this unfinished approach may seem like just adding more work, but one look at this design should have many handy musicians eager to get their hands on a heavily modifiable 3D printed violin that looks like it could belong to Banjo Kazooie’s titular bear!

Despite the rudimentary nature of the files, the included instructions found here still include detailed advice for how to get the best results from this 3D printed 8-bit violin from body to neck that will get heads turning no matter where you are.

The F-F-Fiddle

  • Download: Thingiverse
  • Designer: OpenFabPDX
  • Price: Free
Compact Violin Full

Don’t let that name fool you (or make you stammer), not only is the F-F-Fiddle a 3D printed violin, it’s apparently the first playable 3D printed electric violin ever designed!

A true passion project, and an impressive one at that, this 3D printed violin was uploaded to Thingiverse and repeatedly updated until finalized as the light and compact instrument you can see and hear here.

3D Printed Compact Violin

Not only can you find the free files here, but you can also find a link to the creators page where he encourages reviews, advice, updates, and personal tweaks from other 3D printing and violin enthusiasts to help each other.

Modular Fiddles

  • Download: OpenFabPDX
  • Price: Free (Patreon appreciated)
Modular Violin 2

Modular Fiddles are a modern-looking take on the classic violin. Originally designed as a prototype to see if playable 3D printed violins could really be played, the blocky shape found a large following, and it was further developed to be on par with even the most attractive 3D printed instruments available today.

Like standard 3D printed violins, modular fiddles come in many forms, the most widely known of which are the 4- and 5-string instruments, as well as the Hardanger, all of which have been developed over time to rival their rounded counterparts.

Which type you choose depends on your musical experience and overall preference, but each one makes for a unique 3D printed violin that simply can’t be found in traditional stores.

Highly detailed instructions for all three types can be found here, as well as a detailed history and an open blog where you can share your creations, modifications, and advice with fellow users and music lovers.

Piezoelectric Violins

  • Download: N/A
  • Designer: Various
  • Price: Variable
3d printed piezoelectric violin

Few 3D printed violins are as cool as the piezoelectric violin. While not commonly found as free designs, they are worth a highly honorable mention due to how they look alone.

Closer resembling something you’d expect to see held by a Zora or sci-fi character, these amphibian-looking instruments truly need to be seen (and heard) to be believed.

3D printed piezoelectric violins are incredibly complicated and extremely expensive, so they’re not accessible to beginners of either engineering or music. However, if you are creative enough and have the right equipment and education, you can absolutely try printing one of these instruments yourself.

If you manage to pull it off, you could find it to be an extremely popular 3D printed violin to sell online, though given the cost of materials alone, you shouldn’t expect the average music enthusiast to be able to cough up enough dough to make the effort worth it.

Despite this, there’s something truly special about the 3D printed piezoelectric violin’s shape that can neither be explained nor denied. They’re durable instruments that sound as good as they look when played, though the average time and material costs may be a dealbreaker for some.

3D Printed Violin Accessories

Many instruments have their share of extra bits and pieces, and violins are no exception. Some additions are as necessary as a saxophone’s reed, some are simply practical additions like a guitar’s strap.

3D printed violin accessories help people of all experience and music education levels play their instruments to the best of their abilities as comfortably as possible.

Bow Guides

  • Download: Thingiverse
  • Designer: MissyMoo9
  • Price: Free
3D Printed Violin Bow Guides

Truly steady hands are a gift surprisingly few people are given, but those who are on the shaky side aren’t to be left out of the wonderful world of violins.

3D printed bow guides do as the name implies, and act similarly to a pool cue guide to help people keep their bows steady as they play.

You can find a standard design for a 3D printed violin bow guide on Thingiverse here, simply choose the file that fits the size you need and print away!


  • Download: Thingiverse
  • Designer: ReallyBigTeeth
  • Price: Free
3D Printed Electric Violin

Comfort can be as important as function, especially when dealing with a musical instrument that can take hours of practice and playing.

Chinrests are just as the name implies, comfortable contoured additions to a violin’s body to rest your chin on while you play.

Like the bow guides, 3D printed violin chinrests come in many sizes and styles to suit your violin here. Or you can go a little more extra and print out the swan chinrest for a little more style. If you’re in music education, you’ll need to put in your thousand hours, and making that experience more comfortable is very important.

Violin Stands

Violin stand in use

Violins are not only expensive; they can be very fragile too. While padded cases help to keep them safe in transit, if you want to display your own 3D printed violin proudly in your home (and let’s face it, who wouldn’t?), you’ll need a good stand.

Fortunately, 3D printed violin stands are not only plentiful and cost nothing, they’re also available in a wide variety of styles that range from minimalist for decorative value, and extra sturdy for security.


“Our printers don’t just print objects, they print ‘oops’, ‘ah-ha’, and ‘not again’ moments.”


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Meet the mastermind behind NozzleNerds.com: GCode-Guru, a 3D printing wizard whose filament collection rivals their sock drawer. Here to demystify 3D tech with a mix of expert advice, epic fails, and espresso-fueled rants. If you've ever wondered how to print your way out of a paper bag (or into a new coffee cup), you're in the right place. Dive into the world of 3D printing with us—where the only thing more abundant than our prints is our sarcasm.


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