A collaboration between France and the UAE to boost 3D printing has been announced at ADIPEC – 3DPrinting.com.


Accelerating Additive Manufacturing for Spare Parts in the UAE: SP3D and T&C Join Forces

In a significant announcement made at the ADIPEC conference in Abu Dhabi, two French entities, Spare Parts 3D (SP3D) and Trouvay & Cauvin Group (T&C), have forged a partnership to expedite the adoption of additive manufacturing (AM) for spare parts in the UAE. This collaboration aims to support the industrial decarbonisation objectives of the region, demonstrating the growing importance of sustainable production.

SP3D, an innovative startup, brings to the table its ground-breaking software called DigiPART. This machine-learning tool plays a crucial role in digitizing spare parts, enabling clients to fully comprehend and utilize the benefits of AM in reducing carbon footprints within supply chains. By harnessing the power of AM, SP3D’s clients can take significant steps towards achieving economic, sustainability, and in-country value objectives.

T&C, on the other hand, is renowned for its proficiency in project supply chain management and inventory digitalisation. Leveraging their expertise, they will undertake the distribution of SP3D’s software and services. Frederic Marchand, the Executive Director of T&C, expressed his optimism about the partnership, stating, “Additive manufacturing is becoming a real alternative in the industrial world, and the benefits are significant when it comes to economic, sustainability, and in-country value.” He continued, “As a continuous innovator in the Energy sector, T&C is glad to welcome SP3D to its portfolio and help disrupt the industrial spare part supply chain!”

The rapid adoption of AM in the UAE has not gone unnoticed. Olivier Mathey, SP3D’s Vice President of Sales, acknowledged this fact and expressed gratitude for T&C’s sectoral knowledge. Building upon this foundation, the partnership between SP3D and T&C has the potential to revolutionize supply chains in terms of efficiency and sustainability, further enhancing the UAE’s industrial landscape.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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