A new method incorporating the eye: Using innovative bio-implants created through 3D printing.


Scientists at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden have developed a unique solution for bio-implants using 3D printing technology. Normally, biohybrid microstructures, which can hold living cells that produce needed molecules, are surgically implanted in the body. However, the researchers decided to try something different – applying the implant to the eye.

At first, it seems like an odd choice, but there are actually several reasons why the eye is a suitable location for these microstructures. First, the eye is less resistant to implants compared to other parts of the body. This is likely due to the fact that the eye is constantly exposed to the external environment. Because of this, there is a lower risk of rejection.

Additionally, the eye is well connected to the human vascular system, which means that any bio-generated molecules produced by the living cells in the implant can easily circulate throughout the body. This is crucial for the effectiveness of the implant.

Another advantage of placing the microstructure in the eye is that it is easily visible. Medical practitioners can visually inspect the state of the implant over time, making it easier to monitor any changes or potential issues. This would be much more challenging if the implant were located deep inside the body.

To create the implant, the researchers used a two-photon printing system that is capable of printing extremely small microstructures. They used a specific bio-compatible resin to ensure the safety of the patient. The implant was then applied to the eye using a sutureless process that does not damage the eye.

This application of 3D printing is quite revolutionary, and it is unclear how the researchers came up with the idea. However, they have demonstrated that it is a feasible approach, although extensive further research is needed before it can be used in humans. Currently, the implant has only been tested on mice, and human testing has not yet taken place.

Despite the need for more research, this new approach shows promise and could potentially provide a compelling solution for various medical conditions. The possibilities offered by 3D printing in the field of bio-implants are truly groundbreaking.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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