A pop-up store for a coffee company in Brazil has been created using 3D printing technology, according to an article on 3DPrinting.com.


Nescafé’s 3D printed store in São Paulo, the Dolce Gusto Neo, represents a significant stride toward regenerative architecture. It is truly a masterpiece of innovation, sustainability, and forward-thinking design. The store’s construction using algorithmic 3D printing, incorporating biodegradable materials and recycled plastic, sets it apart from traditional buildings that harm the environment. This pop-up store, crafted by Brazilian architectural firm Estudio Guto Requena, showcases the possibilities of renewable materials and 3D printing technology while minimizing its environmental footprint.

Inspired by the five petals of a coffee flower, the Dolce Gusto Neo challenges the norms of construction materials. Instead of concrete and steel, it utilizes 3D-printed biodegradable materials, making it a pioneer in Latin America. The store embodies the principles of regenerative architecture by harmoniously blending indoor and outdoor spaces through a dome-shaped structure along five axes. Glass archways provide breathtaking views, while a central glass skylight bathes the interior in natural light, creating a serene atmosphere akin to a temple.

Sustainability is at the core of Nescafé’s commitment. Not only is the store constructed with renewable and eco-friendly materials, but the brand also extends its sustainability efforts to its coffee machines. Made from recycled ocean plastic and biodegradable capsules, they are a testament to the company’s dedication to environmental responsibility.

What makes the Dolce Gusto Neo even more remarkable is its future destiny. Once its purpose as a pop-up store is fulfilled, the building will be dismantled and its components repurposed. Wood will be recycled, and plaster will serve as agricultural fertilizer, ensuring that nothing goes to waste.

Nescafé’s decision to embrace regenerative architecture and sustainable practices in its store design is commendable. It sets an example for other mega-corporations to follow and encourages a shift towards a more eco-conscious value chain.

We are excited to hear your thoughts on Nescafé’s 3D printed store. Head over to our Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn pages to join the discussion. And don’t forget to sign up for our weekly additive manufacturing newsletter to stay up to date with the latest stories in the industry. Together, let’s create a sustainable future for all.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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