A Surge in Demand for 3D Printed Disaster Kits: What You Need to Know


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Charles R. Goulding and Preeti Sulibhavi discuss some of the important emergency and survival items that can be 3D printed and prepared before disaster strikes.

As a result of wars, conflicts and increased instances of natural disasters such as hurricanes, tornados and wildfires, many people find themselves unprepared for living. On October 19, 2023, the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) published an article featuring “disaster preparedness.”

Even if just for peace of mind, gathering a few items and setting them aside for a natural disaster is useful and can really be a big help if one should find oneself in such a climatic event.

As the demand for disaster preparedness increases, companies like Preppi are experiencing a surge in business. Reportedly, Preppi has seen a 29% rise in sales compared to the previous year, a figure that hardly comes as a surprise considering the current global situation.

Disasters necessitating survival kits aren’t always climate-related; oftentimes, they’re a result of ongoing conflicts worldwide, such as those in Ukraine and Israel. In these fraught situations, innocent civilians often find themselves in harm’s way, with survival kits becoming crucial to their well-being.

Let’s take a look at some survival items that can contribute to safety and well-being, including several which are possible to 3D print:

1. Tents, sleeping bags and backpacks

When considering elemental protection, it’s often one of the first things to think about. We have previously discussed the role of 3D printing in the textile sector on Fabbaloo. The textile and fabric industry is increasingly relying on technology, frequently employing machines such as 3D printers to manufacture products like tents.

Gardening equipment and seeds

In the event of a natural disaster, sustenance in the form of food becomes a vital survival need. Many survival kits carry gardening tools, along with seeds. We have written about vertical farming, particularly in urban areas, and predict its growth and utility in disaster circumstances.

Compact water filtration systems

No matter who you are or where you live, everyone requires water. In the event of a natural disaster, obtaining clean water can become challenging. Water filtration is hence essential. Disaster kits often include mini water filtration systems.

4. Portable stoves

Fire, an essential element for survival, comes in handy when you need to stay warm or prepare food. Thus, portable stoves are an indispensable part of disaster kits. They allow survivors to cook and stay warm in situations requiring fire. We discussed the use of 3D printing in kitchen appliances in several Fabbaloo articles this year.

5. Solar power banks and solar-powered equipment

Solar-powered panel banks are increasingly being incorporated into survival kits. They are capable of powering radio and flashlight equipment concurrently, relying only on sunlight for energy. Some versions come equipped with four to five panel banks to enhance the duration of power for device charging.

6. Rechargeable battery generator, LED light display, and dual USB mobile phone charger

In a disaster situation, maintaining communication lines is crucial. However, your phone requires a power source to do so. Many survival kits include dual USB mobile phone chargers that double as rechargeable battery generators. They also often come with LED lights for enhanced visibility.

7. Shovels and multi-tool kits

In the event of a disaster, things get broken and may need fixing. Tools become a key element for survival. Whether it’s a shovel to dig your way out of rubble or a multi-tool kit for smaller repairs, the need for tools in any disaster situation is indispensable.

8. Personal protective equipment (PPE)

During a disaster, medical emergencies are almost inevitable. We’ve discussed PPE on Fabbaloo, in particular its relevance to Covid 19. However, PPE would come in handy during any medical emergency where injuries are to be treated.

The Research & Development Tax Credit

The enduring Research and Development (R&D) Tax Credit is accessible for businesses developing innovative or enhanced products, systems and/or software.

3D printing has the potential to augment a firm’s R&D Tax Credits. The salaries of technical personnel involved in creating, scrutinizing, and modifying 3D printed prototypes can be considered as a proportion of suitable time expended for the R&D Tax Credit. In a similar vein, if utilized as a means to improve a process, the time committed in integrating 3D printing hardware and software is regarded as a qualifying operation. Lastly, if employed for modelling and pre-production, the expense of filaments used throughout the development process could be recouped.

Regardless of whether it’s used for generating and testing prototypes or for final production, 3D printing is a reliable indicator that R&D Credit eligible activities are being undertaken. Any companies deploying this technology should contemplate capitalizing on R&D Tax Credits.


Survival and disaster kits are not a new concept. But technology has leapfrogged in recent years, which means better preparedness during a natural disaster. Many necessary and useful items can be conveniently 3D printed.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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Meet the mastermind behind NozzleNerds.com: GCode-Guru, a 3D printing wizard whose filament collection rivals their sock drawer. Here to demystify 3D tech with a mix of expert advice, epic fails, and espresso-fueled rants. If you've ever wondered how to print your way out of a paper bag (or into a new coffee cup), you're in the right place. Dive into the world of 3D printing with us—where the only thing more abundant than our prints is our sarcasm.


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