Additive Manufacturing Solutions Ltd. Teams Up with MoD to Develop Resilient, UK-centric Supply Chains


3D printing SME based in the UK, Additive Manufacturing Solutions Ltd. (AMS) has publicly shared its collaboration with the UK Ministry of Defence’s (MoD) Defence Equipment Sales Authority (DESA).

The partnership with DESA will allow the company to investigate the technical potential of reclaiming crucial materials from excess Defence Assets. This coordination is the initial step of a project intended by the MOD to improve understanding and management of present and future material procurement strategies.

“AMS has relentlessly gathered momentum and skills within the additive powder market, emphasizing on delivering recycled feedstocks. The current agreement signifies the subsequent phase in our mission to commercialize recycled materials within the additive manufacturing feedstock market,” remarked Rob Higham, Director and CEO of AMS.

This collaboration is a monumental achievement in the history of AMS, providing support to the MoD in addressing the accessibility and capability of critical minerals is both a privilege and tribute to the collective efforts of the entire AMS team.

AMS and MoD collaboration announcement banner. Image via Additive Manufacturing Solutions Ltd.

The MoD and AMS’ partnership

Initially, this collaboration will center around a comprehensive capability assessment for the MoD. This assessment will include trials relating to atomisation, additive manufacturing feasibility, and the exploration of future materials.

Ultimately, in collaboration with an unnamed MoD supplier, AMS is seeking to deliver demonstrative geometry using recycled feedstock. The next stage of this work will then focus on material industrialization and qualification.

AMS posits that this MoD contract shows a considerable shift towards the acceptance of sustainable, robust, UK-centric supply chains. The company further underscores its shared vision with main players in the defence industry through this partnership.

Significantly, this undertaking will buttress the MoD’s ongoing pursuit of a resilient UK-based supply chain for critical minerals, such as titanium, for the UK market. This measure is marketed as advocating a “high-value circular economy” approach in sourcing feedstock.

“This cutting-edge technical feasibility research, delivered by Additive Manufacturing Solutions Ltd., marks another confident stride on the MoD’s path towards sustainability and a circular economy,” expressed DESA’s Submarine Recycling, Sustainability & Innovation Programme Manager, Thomas Powell.

“We are thrilled to collaborate with Additive Manufacturing Solutions Ltd. and UK Strategic Command Defence Support to enhance the MoD’s understanding whether redundant and surplus Defence Assets can be repurposed into novel capabilities. This approach can help reduce costs, boost resiliency, enhance operational availability, and empower MoD to leverage new and emerging technologies for maximum operational benefit.”

<p>UK Ministry of Defence sign. Photo via Ministry of Defence.</p>

<p><strong>Securing defense-related supply chains with additive manufacturing</strong></p>

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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