Advanced 3D printed medical devices are currently being researched in South Korea.


The use of additive manufacturing in the medical field continues to gain attention, with South Korea taking a leading role in research and development. A partnership between Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST) and Pusan National University Hospital (PNUH) has been formed to advance research into 3D printed medical devices.

The collaboration will leverage the expertise of two specific centers: the UNIST 3D Printing Convergence Technology Center and the PNUH Medical Device Usability Evaluation Center. The former aims to promote additive manufacturing research across various industries and actively seeks partnership opportunities. The latter is a specialized testing and evaluation facility located outside a major city, providing access to specialized facilities and medical experts.

Although the exact research projects and printing methods have not been disclosed, the collaboration suggests a wide range of possible applications, including metal powder bed fusion 3D printing. In addition to research and development, the partnership will also focus on supporting the commercialization of domestically developed 3D printed medical devices.

This joint venture has the potential to revolutionize the medical sector in South Korea by incorporating large-scale additive manufacturing into both the private and public sectors. Director Ji-Uk Yoon of the PNUH Medical Device Usability Evaluation Center sees the collaboration as an opportunity to advance the medical 3D printing field in the entire region. Namhun Kim, director of the UNIST 3D Printing Convergence Technology Center, shares the excitement of expanding the 3D printing process beyond experimentation and testing, and into mass production.

The signing of the memorandum of understanding between UNIST and PNUH further solidifies the partnership. The success of this collaboration could greatly enhance the medical 3D printing industry in South Korea.

What are your thoughts on South Korea’s latest venture into medical 3D printing? Let us know in the comments or on our social media platforms. Stay updated with the latest 3D printing news by signing up for our free weekly newsletter or by visiting our YouTube channel.

Photo Credits: UNIST 3D Printing Convergence Technology Center

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