AFRL Engineer Receives Prestigious MILAM Lifetime Achievement Award: Highlighted on


Dr. Mark Benedict, a prominent figure in additive manufacturing at the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), has received the esteemed Military Additive Manufacturing (MILAM) 3D Printing Lifetime Achievement Award. This award recognises his considerable and long-lasting contributions to the sector. Benedict’s work over the years has not only progressed AM technology but has also introduced vital solutions for the Air Force’s operational requirements.

Benedict’s foray into materials science and engineering started well before his formal education. His commitment to learning the process of creation led him to obtain degrees in chemical engineering and material science, culminating in a doctorate from Cambridge University. Throughout his time at AFRL, Benedict has consistently shown an enthusiasm for expanding the limits of 3D printing.

One such significant accomplishment of Benedict has been his instrumental role in the progression of metal AM procedures. As these processes became faster, more cost-effective, and reliable, Benedict led the efforts to evaluate their quality and appropriateness for air-worthy parts. Currently, additive manufacturing is crucial in creating components for various Air Force systems, ranging from engines to pressure tanks, with an exceptional success rate.

Benedict’s influence goes beyond just technological innovations. He has actively participated in initiatives like Pacer Edge and ALSAM, with the objective to make AM solutions both accessible and practical for Air Force applications. His promotion of open-source AM machines has encouraged collaboration and innovation within the sector, equipping scientists and engineers to carry out replicable experiments and gain a complete understanding of the AM process.

Reflecting on his receipt of the MILAM Lifetime Achievement Award, Benedict stays focused on the future, stressing the continuous requirement for alignment between research objectives and Air Force needs. His commitment to furthering convergent manufacturing technologies underscores his pledge to shape the future of AM and its defense applications.

In acknowledgment of his remarkable contributions, Benedict has been honored with various awards, such as being appointed an AFRL Fellow and getting the Director’s Award for his exceptional leadership and contributions to the field of hypersonics research. In his new role as Senior Scientist for Convergent (Digital) Manufacturing at AFRL, Benedict continues to spearhead innovation and excellence in additive manufacturing, leaving a lasting impression on the field and on the Air Force community.


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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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