AM is seen as the key to Hypersonic Weapons by the Pentagon, according to


Title: The Revolutionary Influence of 3D Printing on Hypersonic Weapons Production

In a recent webinar, a Department of Defence official shared groundbreaking insights on how the implementation of 3D printing technology will revolutionize hypersonic weapons production for the Pentagon. The remarks made by Keith DeVries, the DoD Manufacturing Technology Program Manager, shed light on the pivotal role that additive manufacturing (AM) will play in simplifying and expediting defense manufacturing processes.

DeVries underlined the significant advantage of 3D printing in drastically reducing the need for welds, brazings, and joints. This reduction eliminates the necessity for extensive nondestructive testing, leading to a remarkable decrease in production timelines. With additive manufacturing technology entering previously unimaginable spaces within manufacturing processes, the capabilities it enables in hypersonic weapons manufacturing are nothing short of extraordinary.

According to DeVries, AM provides a shorter design loop for implementing changes in various hypersonic weapon systems. This advantage allows for more efficient and rapid design iterations, bringing cutting-edge technologies to fruition. The adoption of 3D printing technology has already shown incredible potential within the defense manufacturing base. Notably, programs like Additive Manufacturing Now with the Army have successfully produced over 2,000 military parts, further highlighting the enormous capabilities of AM.

This technological advancement is undoubtedly a game-changer. It bridges the gap between intricate designs and their transformation into state-of-the-art hypersonic weaponry. The success already achieved in incorporating AM into defense manufacturing signifies a profound shift in the industry. Hypersonic weapons production, an area demanding unprecedented precision and efficiency, will now benefit from the disruptive nature of 3D printing.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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