AML3D, in support of the US Navy, increases its metal 3D printing sales and implements changes in its C-Suite.


Title: AML3D Drives Growth and Collaboration in the Additive Manufacturing Industry

The board of AML3D, an Australian metal additive manufacturing (AM) platform manufacturer, has undergone a comprehensive leadership review, resulting in significant changes within the company. Sean Ebert, the interim CEO, has been appointed as the managing director, while Pete Goumas, former VP at US defense contractor BWX Technologies, has been named President of US Operations.

AML3D has also strengthened its partnership with the US Navy’s Submarine Industrial Base (SIB) program, securing contracts for testing copper-nickel alloy parts valued at $230,000 and printing a nickel-aluminum-bronze (NAB) prototype component weighing approximately 1 metric ton, worth $387,000. The company estimates that the copper-nickel alloy testing contract will take three to four months, while the prototype contract will take around six months.

In addition, AML3D has expanded its customer base by leasing an ARCEMY 2600 Edition, their smallest scale model, to Laser Welding Solutions (LWS) based in Houston, Texas. This lease, valued at $220,000, includes a 12-month software licensing and technical support contract. LWS, an AML3D customer, will utilize the platform to produce NAB components for the SIB program. Moreover, LWS has the option to purchase the system at any time during the lease agreement.

Commenting on the recent changes, Pete Goumas expressed his excitement about the AM technology and proprietary intellectual property (IP) owned by AML3D. With his background in welding and materials science, Goumas brings a wealth of experience and valuable relationships within the US defense industrial base, particularly in the US nuclear submarine program. He firmly believes that AML3D’s US operations will drive substantial growth and has invested his personal funds in AML3D shares to align his interests with the company’s success.

The Australia-UK-US (AUKUS) security pact is already influencing the Australian AM sector, and its impact is gradually extending to the US and UK manufacturing scenes. The nonprofit organization, BlueForge Alliance, founded in 2022 and based in Bryan, Texas, emerges as a significant player in facilitating AUKUS’s global implementation. Positioning itself as a “neutral integrator,” BlueForge enables companies like AML3D to access the defense industrial base. The majority of AML3D’s defense contracts this year have been facilitated by BlueForge, underscoring the organization’s critical role in fostering collaboration.

AML3D’s contributions extend beyond its direct sales of machines and parts to the US defense industrial base. As a case study, the company demonstrates how the US government can effectively incorporate small and medium enterprises (SMEs) from across the globe into their supply chains. This approach becomes increasingly important in reshoring US manufacturing over the next decade and requires unprecedented collaboration with partner nations. As a result, it is anticipated that AML3D will engage with other US government agencies, and more organizations like BlueForge will emerge to support this ongoing effort.

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Remember, AML3D is driving growth and collaboration, positioning itself as a key player in the additive manufacturing landscape.

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