AMS 2024 showcases specialty AM applications in Construction and Electronics 3D Printing.


Excitement is building within the 3D printing community as the highly-anticipated 2024 Additive Manufacturing Strategies (AMS) event approaches. Taking place from February 6-8, this seventh edition of the conference is set to be a game-changer. One of the most anticipated panels, “Additive Manufacturing in Construction,” will be led by Stephan Mansour, an Associate Consultant at Wohlers Associates, ASTM International. Joined by industry leaders Jack Oslan, Co-Founder and CEO of Diamond Age, and Vincent Albanese, Manager of Strategic Partnership for North America at COBOD International, this panel will explore the groundbreaking innovations in 3D printing for the construction sector. Megan Kreiger from the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center will bring her unique perspective as a mechanical engineer specializing in additive construction. This panel aims to delve deep into the technology and practices that are reshaping traditional construction methods, from automated bricklaying to 3D-printing entire buildings.

In another session, “3D-Printed Electronics: Where are the Valuable Applications?” attendees will gain valuable insights into how 3D printing is impacting the electronics sector. Eric MacDonald, with his academic and research experience from The University of Texas at El Paso and Oak Ridge National Laboratories, will moderate an expert panel discussion on emerging markets for 3D-printed electronics. Key industry leaders such as Kenneth Church, Founder of Sciperio Inc., Robert Yusin, CEO of Optomec, and Yoav Stern, Chairman of the Board and CEO of Nano Dimension, will share their perspectives and discuss the most promising applications for 3D-printed electronics.

As the event draws near, it becomes clear that AMS 2024 will be a crucial gathering for knowledge sharing, networking, and strategic planning in the additive manufacturing sector. The thoughtfully curated sessions and panels will provide participants with unparalleled opportunities to engage with the brightest minds in the field. Whether it’s exploring the evolution of 3D printing in construction or identifying valuable applications in the electronics industry, the insights gained from this event will equip professionals for the future of additive manufacturing.

As we eagerly await February, it is undeniable that AMS 2024 has the potential to make a lasting impact on the industry. By staying up-to-date with the latest news and developments in the 3D printing industry, attendees will be well-prepared to take advantage of the opportunities that arise.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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