“An interview conducted with Michela Ferraro regarding 3D Printing and Metal Additive Manufacturing (AM) of Platinum Group Metals (PGMs).”


Title: Unleashing the Potential of 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing in the Jewelry Sector: A Journey Through Innovation and Skill


In the ever-evolving world of jewelry manufacturing, it is imperative to embrace new technologies that not only enhance efficiency but also promote ethical and sustainable practices. Today, we delve into the realm of 3D printing and additive manufacturing, specifically focusing on Platinum Metal Groups (PGMs). Michela Ferraro, a jewelry expert with a wealth of experience, sheds light on the opportunities and challenges surrounding this innovative process.

The Game-Changing Power of 3D Printing:

3D printing has revolutionized the jewelry industry, but it is important to distinguish between fast prototyping processes and direct metal production. Fast prototyping techniques enable SMEs to produce jewelry faster and more efficiently, offering an agile alternative to traditional handcrafted prototypes. On the other hand, direct metal 3D printing, though still facing certain hurdles, holds immense potential in comparison to the conventional casting process, especially when it comes to working with PGMs such as platinum.

The Perfect Fit: 3D Printing Methods for Jewelry Manufacturing:

Within the jewelry sector, Laser Beam Powder Bed Fusion (PBF-LB) technology stands as the most prominent method for precious metal additive manufacturing, including PGMs. This method offers unparalleled opportunities for innovation and creativity, enabling the production of intricate designs that were previously unattainable.

Opportunities and Challenges in PGMs Application:

The realm of PGMs within the jewelry sector is brimming with opportunities. Metal additive manufacturing has proven its compatibility with platinum, as exemplified by the recent contest held by Progold in collaboration with Chaumet and Platinum Guild International. Challenges surrounding PGMs lie in the realm of creating platinum jewelry beyond the traditional diamond-centric designs. With the help of metal AM, designers can leverage the unique potential of this technology to create designs that truly stand out.

The Financial Growth and Future of PGMs in Jewelry:

Platinum has always been favored in the high-end niche of the jewelry market. Platinum Guild International focuses on key markets such as Japan, China, India, and the US. This industry has witnessed a 20% growth in India’s retail business, as highlighted in the 1st quarter report of 2023. With the integration of metal AM, there is a vast potential for further growth; however, it requires careful analysis and tailor-made strategies to tap into this niche market.

Balancing Technology and Handmade Skills:

The introduction of 3D printing and additive manufacturing has led to comparisons between technology-driven processes and traditional handmade skills. The two approaches, however, are not mutually exclusive. Handmade jewelry production thrives in the realm of customization and caters to small-scale demand. Technology-based processes are more aligned with medium-large scale market demands. The key lies in the synergy between designers’ choices, allowing the exploitation of the best aspects of both approaches.


The marriage of 3D printing and additive manufacturing with the jewelry sector has opened up exciting possibilities. By embracing Platinum Metal Groups and aligning them with sustainable practices, the industry is poised to take a leap forward. As we navigate this new era, it is crucial to strike a balance between innovation and the preservation of traditional craftsmanship, creating a harmonious blend that propels the jewelry culture into a bright and prosperous future.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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