Anisoprint, a trailblazer in continuous carbon fiber 3D printing, is relocating its headquarters to China.


Anisoprint has made a surprising move, relocating from Luxembourg to China. The company, which specializes in continuous carbon fiber 3D printing, closed its Moscow R&D office last year and moved the entire team to Luxembourg. However, they have now made another move, successfully raising funds in China and relocating their headquarters to the city of Suzhou.

The decision to relocate to China seems to be strategic, as the country offers numerous opportunities for growth and expansion. Anisoprint’s patented “Continuous Fiber Coextrusion” process sets them apart from other carbon fiber 3D printing companies, as they are able to use long strands of carbon fiber, resulting in much stronger parts.

Suzhou, with its population of 13 million, provides Anisoprint with a favorable location in close proximity to other tech firms and potential customers. This move will undoubtedly open up new avenues for collaboration and business opportunities.

It’s worth noting that Anisoprint has been active in China for a few years now, with a Shanghai office that has seen significant sales. This existing presence in the country likely played a role in the decision to relocate there.

The company’s recent investment from a top-tier Chinese venture capital firm could also have influenced the move. While it is not explicitly stated in their press release, it’s possible that the investment deal included a relocation requirement.

The image provided in the press release showcases Anisoprint’s new headquarters in China, highlighting their commitment to growth and innovation. Additionally, the appointment of Ryan Liu, their local China sales leader, as EVP of Sales for the entire company signals their focus on expanding their market globally.

It will be interesting to hear more about the reasons behind this move from Anisoprint CEO Fedor Antonov at the upcoming Formnext event. In the meantime, there is no doubt that big things are happening at Anisoprint as they continue to push the boundaries of 3D printing technology.

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