Asia’s First 3D Printed Titanium Bike Frame Launched by Chinese Company


Titan Super Bond and Bright Laser Technology (BLT) have achieved a milestone in the Chinese bicycle industry. The partnership resulted in the first fully 3D printed titanium alloy bicycle frame in Asia, addressing challenges in R&D and production faced by the industry.

The Chinese bicycle sector, a global leader, grappled with extended production timelines and high material waste. Embracing metal 3D printing, the collaboration significantly streamlined the production process, slashing production time by 30% and reducing material waste by over 20%. The technology not only maintains a crucial dimensional accuracy of 0.03mm but also allows for customized parts tailored to individual riders, elevating performance and comfort.

In 2022, Titan Super Bond integrated the BLT-A320 Laser-Powder Bed Fusion metal 3D printer into their operations, revolutionizing the manufacturing process. The collaboration led to innovative solutions for deformation control of complex-shaped parts and weight reduction, setting new benchmarks in lightweight design and manufacturing quality. These advancements not only passed international tests but also hinted at future possibilities, like robotic automated welding.

The BLT-A320 machine has risen to prominence due to its ability to produce high-precision, durable, and corrosion-resistant titanium alloy bicycle components. Moving beyond the bicycle industry, BLT envisions a “cross-industry collaboration”, aiming to breathe new life into multiple sectors through technology.

Their breakthrough addresses the issues of cost and time associated with traditional manufacturing methods, showcasing the benefits of metal 3D printing in regards to precision, stability, and efficiency. The lightweight components of the innovative frame not only increase bike speed, but also contribute to efficient power transmission and improved riding characteristics.

This significant advancement not only reduces production costs and times, but also enhances the overall durability and quality of bicycle frames. This presents a promising future for bicycle manufacturers across Asia.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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