Axtra3D’s new headquarters showcases the seamless integration of innovation and customer experience.


Axtra3D: Expanding rapidly with a strategic customer demonstration showroom

In the ever-evolving world of 3D printing, one startup company seems to be making waves. Axtra3D, whose existence came to light only a couple of years ago, has opened a brand new headquarters building in Charlotte, North Carolina. This expansion comes as no surprise, considering the success and uniqueness of their Hybrid PhotoSynthesis (HPS) 3D printing process.

HPS combines the best of both worlds – SLA and DLP resin processes – resulting in a powerful system that offers the advantages of both approaches. In a nutshell, the HPS process utilizes DLP to quickly polymerize hidden interiors of parts, while also utilizing lasers to precisely form the outer layers. The end result? Exceptional surface quality in less time.

Axtra3D first made headlines about a year ago when they introduced their first 3D printers, the Lumia X1 (using the HPS process) and the Revox X1 (utilizing only DLP). Fast forward to today, and the company has opened not only a headquarters building in North Carolina but also a subsidiary’s building in Italy.

The new HQ offers the usual amenities one would expect, such as office space, conference rooms, reception, and a warehouse. However, there’s one key feature that sets it apart – a customer demonstration showroom. While some 3D printing companies may overlook this feature, Axtra3D recognizes its significance.

Why is a demonstration showroom important? Well, in my experience, many people tend to be skeptical until they see and touch something themselves. Imagining the capabilities of a technology is one thing, but witnessing it firsthand is an entirely different experience. Axtra3D understands this and has created a comfortable space where customers and prospects can interact with the machinery and truly understand its capabilities.

By allowing prospects to physically experience their technology, Axtra3D is breaking down barriers to sales. The HPS process is relatively unknown to the public, and as a result, potential customers may be unsure about how it works and the results it can produce. The demonstration center provides an opportunity for these individuals to see and feel the potential that Axtra3D offers, ultimately increasing the likelihood of a purchase.

It is surprising that not all other 3D printing companies have embraced the concept of demonstration centers. With the constant advancement and diversification of 3D printing technologies, showcasing these innovations in a tangible way is crucial to gaining consumer trust and confidence.

Axtra3D’s commitment to providing a customer-centric experience with their new showroom sets them apart in the industry. As other companies catch on and realize the impact a demonstration center can have on their sales, we can expect to see an increase in these customer-focused spaces.

In the ever-changing landscape of 3D printing, Axtra3D continues to stand out as an innovative company. With their expansion and the addition of a demonstration showroom, they are well-positioned to showcase the power and potential of their Hybrid PhotoSynthesis 3D printing process to a wider audience.

*Read more about Axtra3D’s HPS process and their commitment to customer experience [here](*

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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