Camila Uzcategui, the CEO and co-founder of Vitro3D, was interviewed about the advancements in High Dimensionality Volumetric Additive Manufacturing.


Looking to the Future: Vitro3D’s Groundbreaking Approach to Additive Manufacturing

In a recent interview with 3D Printing Industry, Camila Uzcategui, CEO and co-founder of Vitro3D, discussed the company’s unique approach to additive manufacturing and its potential to revolutionize various industries.

Uzcategui’s journey in 3D printing began with a desire to make a meaningful contribution to global healthcare. Her experiences in NGOs and nonprofits highlighted a significant need for essential medical devices in health clinics. This led her to explore additive manufacturing and pursue a PhD in Material Science and Engineering, specializing in 3D printing applications.

During her academic endeavor, Uzcategui focused on the characterization of materials for 3D printing, specifically for tissue engineering and regeneration. Her goal was to accurately predict the quality of 3D printing structures by understanding the properties of different resins. This research laid the foundation for her future endeavors in the field.

Instead of working with established 3D printing technologies, Uzcategui’s company, Vitro3D, has chosen to pursue volumetric additive manufacturing, also known as Volumetric Additive Manufacturing (VAM). This decision came after her post-doctoral work, where she discovered the potential of VAM to overcome challenges such as support structures and highly viscous resins.

VAM differs from traditional layer-by-layer 3D printing methods. It manipulates light from various angles to create a 3D object from a virtual model. Uzcategui explained that the algorithm used to decompose and reproject the virtual object is the most critical component of VAM. It ensures that the resin receives the precise amount of light for polymerization and creates a high-quality 3D object.

Vitro3D has taken VAM a step further with its invention of high dimensionality volumetric additive manufacturing (HD VAM). This method uses a translating two-dimensional cone of light to input four dimensions of information into the material. It provides more detailed and accurate representations, surpassing the capabilities of conventional VAM.

While Vitro3D’s ultimate goal is to revolutionize tissue engineering and regeneration, Uzcategui acknowledges the importance of taking a pragmatic approach. The company is actively exploring other industries, such as electronics and dentistry, where VAM can have a significant impact in the near term. This strategy allows Vitro3D to generate revenue and build meaningful partnerships while working towards its long-term goals.

Uzcategui’s passion for improving global healthcare through additive manufacturing is evident in Vitro3D’s strategic direction. By combining innovative technology with a pragmatic approach, the company is poised to make a lasting impact on various industries and pave the way for future advancements in additive manufacturing.

To learn more about Vitro3D and their groundbreaking approach to additive manufacturing, visit their website.

[Vote for Vitro3D in the 2023 3D Printing Industry Awards.]

to volumetric additive manufacturing through its software-centric approach. The company recognizes that cost plays a crucial role in the adoption of any new technology, and they are determined to make their system accessible and affordable for industrial applications.

One of the key cost-saving aspects of Vitro3D’s technology is the elimination of support structures. Traditional layer-by-layer 3D printing often requires support structures to prevent sagging or collapsing during the printing process. These support structures not only add to the material and labor costs but also require additional time for post-printing cleanup. In contrast, Vitro3D’s volumetric printing method does not need extensive support structures, significantly reducing the time and cost involved in post-processing.

Another cost-saving aspect of Vitro3D’s approach is their focus on automating the post-processing stage. By ensuring the quality and repeatability of parts through automated post-processing, Vitro3D minimizes the need for manual intervention and reduces the risk of errors or inconsistencies in material properties. This automation not only saves time but also improves overall efficiency and productivity while reducing costs.

Furthermore, Vitro3D’s software-centric approach allows for better control and optimization of the printing process. Their proprietary algorithm simulates the printing process beforehand, ensuring that the resin polymerizes only where desired. This level of control not only improves the quality of the printed objects but also reduces material waste, further enhancing cost efficiency.

In addition to material and labor cost savings, Vitro3D’s technology also offers advantages in terms of production lead time. The simultaneous materialization of objects in volumetric printing eliminates the need for layer-by-layer printing, significantly reducing the time required to produce each part. This speed enhancement is crucial for industries aiming to reduce time-to-market and stay competitive in a rapidly evolving market.

Ultimately, Vitro3D’s commitment to cost efficiency in volumetric additive manufacturing stems from their understanding of the needs and challenges of industrial production. By eliminating support structures, automating post-processing, optimizing the printing process, and reducing production lead time, Vitro3D aims to make their technology accessible and affordable for a wide range of industrial applications.

As the company continues its exploration into larger dimensions and material versatility, there is a potential to revolutionize on-site, large-scale additive manufacturing. With the possibility of cartridges the size of a desk or gantry systems installed in manufacturing plants, Vitro3D’s innovative approach holds immense promise for the future of 3D printing technology.

Introducing a Paradigm Shift in 3D Printing: The Power of Software

When we think of 3D printing, expensive and complex hardware often comes to mind. However, one company is challenging this notion by placing the emphasis on intelligent software rather than costly equipment. Vitro3D, a start-up founded by Virginia Uzcategui, is revolutionizing the industry with their software-centric approach to 3D printing.

Unlike traditional 3D printers that require expensive hardware components, Vitro3D utilizes standard hardware similar to those found in layer-by-layer printers. The real differentiator lies in their proprietary algorithm, which drives the volumetric 3D printing process. By shifting the focus to software, Vitro3D not only keeps hardware costs manageable but also opens the door to custom hardware solutions tailored to their customers’ specific needs.

One of the main advantages of this software-based approach, according to Uzcategui, is its ability to accelerate development in a way that hardware alone cannot achieve. She explains, “Our combination is more of a low-cost hardware, solution-based software approach, rather than trying to sell a piece of equipment for hundreds of thousands of dollars with service fees.”

Of course, the nascent stage of volumetric 3D printing comes with its limitations, particularly in terms of size and resolution. However, Uzcategui remains optimistic about the potential of their HD-VAM volumetric 3D printing process to overcome these challenges. She believes that it holds promise in industries where current 3D printers fall short.

For instance, Uzcategui highlights the growing restrictions on the use of chemicals like PFAS and PFOA in Europe, which she predicts will soon become a global norm. Volumetric 3D printing could provide an alternative by utilizing highly viscous resins with superior material properties. This opens up new possibilities for creating materials that meet the demands of industries facing regulatory constraints.

Another significant advantage of volumetric 3D printing is its potential to disrupt traditional manufacturing processes. Uzcategui points out that creating a simple electronic connector typically involves multiple steps, but with volumetric 3D printing, one can simply encase metal pieces inside a cartridge and create a part around them. This streamlines production, reduces waste, and enables faster iteration of new technology designs.

The power of precise material behavior is crucial in volumetric additive manufacturing. Uzcategui emphasizes the need for a deep understanding and meticulous control of the light-material interaction. In fact, she argues that this interaction is even more important in volumetric 3D printing than in layer-by-layer methods. Companies like Carbon, with their investment in understanding this interaction, serve as inspirations for Vitro3D’s pursuit of excellence in this field.

Looking ahead, Vitro3D is well on its way to commercialization. They plan to deploy their first off-site system in the coming year and are in discussions with early adopters for pilot projects in late 2024. In their journey to bring their technology to market, Uzcategui recognizes the value of collaboration. They aim to work hand-in-hand with industry players to develop solutions that address specific manufacturing challenges.

As a fledgling start-up, Vitro3D is actively seeking industry talent and collaborative partnerships. Uzcategui hopes to foster these connections at Formnext expo, an upcoming 3D printing event in Europe. Besides showcasing their technology, she intends to engage with industries that can benefit from Vitro3D’s innovative approach to solve their manufacturing hurdles.

The growing interest and entry of other players in the volumetric 3D printing space further affirm the technology’s legitimacy, according to Uzcategui. She is excited to see the industry evolve and believes that the collaborative efforts of different companies will push the boundaries of what’s possible with volumetric 3D printing.

In conclusion, Vitro3D’s software-centric approach to 3D printing presents a paradigm shift in the industry. By focusing on intelligent software rather than expensive hardware, they offer cost-effective solutions that can address specific manufacturing challenges. With their commitment to collaboration and innovation, Vitro3D is poised to shape the future of 3D printing.

Dare to be Different: Revolutionizing Industrial Technology

In a world where conformity seems to be the norm, there are always those who dare to be different. They veer off the beaten path, charting their own course and pushing the boundaries of what is deemed possible. Vitro3D is one such company that refuses to blend in with the crowd.

With a firm belief that customization is the key to success, Vitro3D is on a mission to disrupt the industrial technology market. By tailoring their approach to meet the unique challenges faced by their customers, they are carving out a niche for themselves in a fiercely competitive landscape.

So, how do they plan to differentiate themselves?

By staying on the cutting edge of 3D printing technology, Vitro3D aims to shape the future of additive manufacturing for the next ten years. They understand that in order to be pioneers in their field, they must constantly evolve and adapt to the ever-changing needs of their customers.

But what exactly does the future hold for 3D printing? What engineering challenges lie ahead in the coming decade? These are questions that Vitro3D is determined to find the answers to. By immersing themselves in the industry, staying up to date with the latest news, and fostering a culture of innovation, they are positioning themselves as thought leaders in the additive manufacturing sector.

To keep up with their journey and stay informed about the latest developments in 3D printing, make sure to subscribe to the 3D Printing Industry newsletter, follow them on Twitter, and like their page on Facebook. But why stop there? Why not also subscribe to their Youtube channel, where you can find engaging discussions, debriefs, video shorts, and webinar replays? Vitro3D is committed to sharing their knowledge and insights with the world.

If you’re looking for a job in the additive manufacturing industry, look no further than 3D Printing Jobs. They have an impressive selection of roles available, giving you the opportunity to be a part of this exciting and rapidly growing field.

In a world that is constantly evolving, those who dare to be different are the ones who leave a lasting impact. Featured in the image is a prototype HD-VAM system at the Vitro3D lab in Boulder, showcasing their commitment to innovation and pushing the boundaries of what is possible.

So, join Vitro3D on their journey to revolutionize industrial technology. Visit them at Formnext 2023 in Hall 11.1, booth B55C. Embrace the power of customization, challenge the status quo, and be a part of something extraordinary.

Original source


“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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