Castor Introduces Free Trial for Their 3D Printed Part ID Software on


Industrial manufacturing software company Castor has recently begun offering a free trial version of its automatic part identification software. This initiative aims to empower potential customers to delve into the capabilities of the software, which has proven instrumental in navigating the complexities of additive manufacturing.

Castor’s software addresses the challenge of identifying optimal opportunities for AM by automating the screening process, spotlighting parts that present a compelling business case for additive manufacturing. This tool has emerged as a key player in accelerating the transition to AM by providing engineers with the ability to swiftly identify suitable parts for 3D printing, thereby reducing time-to-market for AM projects.

The free trial unlocks the potential for users to analyze and determine the AM feasibility and benefits of selected parts. By leveraging the software’s robust analysis, engineers can make informed decisions considering factors such as material properties, cost-effectiveness, digital supply chain benefits, and environmental impacts.

Castor’s software is more than just a tool for identifying opportunities, it also provides recommendations for the most suitable 3D printers and materials based on individual part specifications. The software gives an estimation of production expenses, timeframes, and potential savings on CO2 emissions, offering users a thorough understanding of the potential advantages of incorporating additive manufacturing.

Engineers trialling the technology will gain insights on how the software’s analytical capabilities can assist in choosing the right technology and material to maximize the benefits offered by additive manufacturing. Omer Blaier, a co-founder and the CEO of Castor, highlights the company’s objective to simplify the identification of additive manufacturing opportunities, with particular emphasis on minimizing the amount of time and effort required in the evaluation process.

Castor’s comprehensive version aims to transform the process of identifying suitable parts for additive manufacturing on a large scale. The software’s capacity to analyze thousands of parts at once offers advanced features for both newcomers to the field and additive manufacturing professionals alike, encouraging efficiency improvements via weight reduction and part consolidation opportunities.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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