CEO Zachary Mannheimer discusses the collaboration between Alquist 3D and the State of Colorado to establish the groundwork for constructing 3D printed housing.


decades to get to this point and only in the past few years have there been enough advancements to pursue the franchise model. The lack of competition is a challenge, but also an opportunity for Alquist 3D to establish themselves as a leader in the field.

Mannheimer’s focus on workforce development is a crucial aspect of the franchise model. By partnering with Aims Community College, Alquist 3D is not only creating a pipeline of skilled workers, but also providing young people with an opportunity to enter the trades. This is an important step in addressing the current labor shortage in the construction industry and ensuring the long-term success of the AC sector.

The partnership with RIC Technology is also a significant development for Alquist 3D. The robotic arm AC platforms provided by RIC will allow employees of the franchises to learn and master the technology in Greeley before taking it back to their own locations. This knowledge-sharing approach will expedite the dissemination of AC capabilities and drive the expansion of 3D construction across the country.

However, it is important to acknowledge that AC is not without its challenges. Mannheimer openly admits that there is still much progress to be made, particularly in terms of aesthetics. While AC has made significant strides, there is still room for improvement before it can truly make an impact on the housing industry. Mannheimer’s dedication to perfectionism is evident in his decision to start over on a project to achieve the desired aesthetics.

The lack of companies in the AC space is another obstacle that Alquist 3D is aiming to overcome through their franchise model. As the industry grows, more players are needed to optimize the business model and drive innovation. Mannheimer’s vision goes beyond Alquist 3D’s success; he wants to see the entire AC sector flourish and make a widespread impact.

In conclusion, Mannheimer and Alquist 3D are leading the way in additive construction. Through their partnerships, workforce development initiatives, and dedication to pushing the boundaries of AC, they are positioning themselves as pioneers in the industry. While challenges remain, the ambition and innovation of companies like Alquist 3D are driving the advancement of 3D printing in the construction sector. The future of housing may be shaped by the disruptive potential of AC, and Alquist 3D is at the forefront of this exciting journey.

the most realistic approach. Operation Warp Speed was a massive government initiative aimed at rapidly developing and distributing COVID-19 vaccines. While a similar program for 3D printed houses might be beneficial, I believe a more gradual and sustainable approach would be more effective.

One of the key challenges in the 3D printing industry is the need for training and education. As Mannheimer mentioned, the workforce of tomorrow is likely to come from rural areas, and it is crucial to provide them with the necessary skills and knowledge to participate in this emerging industry.

Currently, Alquist 3D has three partners in different locations, with more groups expressing interest. This collaborative approach is essential for the growth and commercialization of 3D printed housing. By working together and sharing resources and expertise, these companies can overcome challenges and accelerate the adoption of this technology.

However, for widespread adoption to occur, public funding and support are necessary. Mannheimer stressed that the federal government’s current spending on 3D printed housing is far from sufficient. While some communities, like Colorado and Greeley, have been innovative and forward-thinking in providing incentives, more resources are needed to drive the industry forward.

Not only does 3D printed housing have the potential to address the housing shortage and affordability crisis in the United States, but it also offers environmental resilience and disaster relief. Traditional homes are susceptible to fires and damages from strong winds, while 3D printed homes are more durable and can withstand these challenges.

Given the increasing frequency and intensity of natural disasters, it is inevitable that communities will need to be rebuilt in the coming years. Investing in 3D printed housing as a resilient and sustainable solution would be a wise decision. Additionally, the technology’s potential for job creation and economic growth cannot be overlooked.

While an Operation Warp Speed for 3D printed houses may not be feasible, greater public funding and support, coupled with a collaborative approach from industry players, can drive the growth and commercialization of this innovative technology. The time to invest in 3D printed housing is now, and with the right resources and partnerships, we can create a future where affordable and environmentally-friendly homes are accessible to all.

Title: Revolutionizing Housing: The Promising Role of 3D Printed Houses


In a world where housing affordability and accessibility remain persistent challenges, emerging technologies offer a glimmer of hope. One such technology is 3D printing, which has the potential to revolutionize the construction industry and address the housing crisis. However, it is crucial to recognize that 3D printed houses are just one component of a larger solution.

The Role of 3D Printed Houses:

While 3D printed houses have garnered significant attention, it is essential to understand their limitations. AC, as it is commonly referred to within the industry, is not a miraculous fix-all solution. Rather, it is part of a comprehensive toolkit that must be developed to tackle the immense housing challenge in the United States. By acknowledging this, we can begin to appreciate the potential impact of 3D printed houses within the larger context.

The Market Potential:

Compared to other applications in the additive manufacturing (AM) sector, the impact of 3D printed houses on improving human lives is unparalleled. With its rapid evolution, this technology possesses tremendous potential. As advancements continue, it will become increasingly difficult to overlook the transformative power of 3D printed houses.

Beyond Technology:

To successfully address the housing crisis, public agencies need to step up their efforts. Both research and development funding, as well as investment in affordable housing, are imperative. Although an “Operation Warp Speed” approach, similar to what was seen with the COVID-19 vaccine, may not be likely, progress can still be achieved at a local level through city, state, and municipality initiatives.

Valuing Housing as a Basic Human Need:

A fundamental challenge in the United States is the lack of recognition for housing as a basic human need. While other westernized countries place significant importance on housing, the US falls short in this regard. This is where capitalism meets its limits, as housing and medical services should not be solely left to the forces of the market. The significance of housing should be on par with food quality and education, as they are all essential for human thriving.


In conclusion, the promise of 3D printed houses lies not only in their technological advancements but also in their potential to enhance the quality of life for countless individuals. However, it is crucial to approach this technology as part of a comprehensive solution to address the housing crisis. By valuing housing as a basic human need and investing in research, development, and affordable housing initiatives, we can make significant strides towards a more equitable future. Let us not just focus on 3D printed houses, but instead, recognize them as a crucial aspect of the larger goal to revolutionize housing.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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