Crafts-Inspired 3D Printing is showcased through Collaboration on


In an exciting collaboration, British designer Gareth Neal and Dutch studio The New Raw have come together to create the Digitally Woven series. This innovative project combines traditional crafts with 3D printing techniques to produce unique and environmentally friendly designs.

One of the standout creations from the series is the “Loopy Chair”. Made from thrice-recycled plastic, this chair not only showcases the beauty of weaving and knitting but also embraces the imperfections that often come with craft-inspired manufacturing. This approach significantly reduces waste from misprints and adds an organic touch to each piece.

Unlike traditional layer-based 3D printing methods, the Digitally Woven series uses a printing robot to extrude thicker cords of material in looped patterns. This looped structure not only provides mechanical strength but also allows for the use of plastics that have been recycled multiple times, which are usually considered unstable. The result is a visually captivating design that is also environmentally sustainable.

The process relies on hand-drawn print lines, adding a level of nuance and artistic flair to the final product. The fusion of traditional craftsmanship with advanced manufacturing techniques offers structurally strong and lightweight objects that consume only half the regular amount of materials. This is an important step towards addressing plastic waste and improving resource efficiency in the manufacturing industry.

The collaboration between Neal and The New Raw continues to evolve, with plans to expand the range of products available, including custom orders for the Loopy chair. This partnership opens up new possibilities for sustainable and resource-efficient manufacturing processes, pushing the industry towards the use of recycled materials even in structurally demanding applications.

The Digitally Woven series is a testament to the power of combining heritage crafts with advanced manufacturing. It not only produces visually stunning designs but also contributes to a more sustainable future. By reimagining traditional techniques and materials, Neal and The New Raw are paving the way for a more environmentally conscious approach to design and manufacturing.

We’re excited to see what the future holds for this collaboration and the impact it will have on the industry. Let us know your thoughts on our social media platforms and make sure to sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date with all the latest developments in additive manufacturing.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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