Desktop Metal has released Live Monitor software for Studio, Shop, and Production System 3D printers.


Desktop Metal, a leading provider of 3D printing systems, has announced the launch of its Live Monitor software application. Designed to improve efficiency and productivity, Live Monitor allows users to access real-time data from any web browser.

Part of Desktop Metal’s Live Suite portfolio of software offerings, Live Monitor features dashboards that help manage fleets of 3D printers and furnaces. Users can drill down on the performance of individual machines, aiding in capacity planning and maintenance management. The software also provides information on job status, time reporting, consumable usage, and other key metrics.

Live Monitor is available as an optional add-on feature via Desktop Metal’s Live Suite and is compatible with the Studio, Shop, and Production System printers, as well as Desktop Metal branded furnaces. The company also plans to roll out the software to users of other Desktop Metal and Team DM equipment sold under the ExOne, Desktop Health, and ETEC brands in the future.

“At Desktop Metal, we’re dedicated to driving additive manufacturing into industrial production, and Live Monitor is a crucial tool for managing both individual machines and entire fleets,” said Ric Fulop, Founder and CEO of Desktop Metal. “Our goal is to help users improve their Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) to optimize their utilization and scale their business with ease.”

Valeria Tirelli, President and CEO of Aidro, a subsidiary of Desktop Metal, praised Live Monitor’s capabilities. Aidro has been using the software as part of a beta program for the past year. “Live Monitor allows us to keep important process variables under control, ensuring visibility and traceability of AM part production,” Tirelli said. “The customizable and recordable variables form the basis for a qualified process. Thanks to Live Monitor, Aidro has received AM manufacturer certification in accordance with the DNV-ST-B203 standard.”

This announcement comes on the heels of the termination of the merger between Desktop Metal and Stratasys. Despite the setback, Desktop Metal remains an independent company, committed to advancing additive manufacturing.

To learn more about Live Monitor and join the conversation, visit the TCT Additive Manufacturing Network. And don’t forget to get your free print subscription to TCT Magazine or exhibit at TCT 3Sixty, the UK’s leading 3D printing and additive manufacturing event.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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