Discover the Latest in 3D Printing: Summary of Webinar and Event for February 4, 2024


Get ready for another engaging week of 3D printing webinars and events, commencing with our exclusive Additive Manufacturing Strategies in New York City! On the subject of gatherings, this week, AMUG is scheduling a preliminary webinar for its 2024 conference. Furthermore, Stratasys is persisting with its superior training, and this week, Nanoscribe is also contributing training. If you want further information on these and others, continue reading!

Unwrapping 3D Printing News

Joris Peels, our Executive Editor who also serves as the Vice President of Consulting at Additive Manufacturing Research (AMR), proposes a news livestream once or twice weekly known as Unwrapping 3D Printing News at 9:30 am EST. For each installment, Peels goes live on LinkedIn and discloses, within 20 minutes or less, what he deems to be

the top news reports from the 3D printing domain that week, and the reasons for their importance. Some reports in his roundup are

ones we’ve featured at, and some are not, but all are equally captivating and substantial!

February 5 – 7: Stratasys Advanced Training

Stratasys is maintaining its cutting-edge training in the U.S. and EMEA, featuring two on-site options at its Eden Prairie, Minnesota site this week. The initial one, “FDM Advanced Insight and File Preparation“, scheduled from February 5-7, is intended to guide clients in maximizing their high-end FDM 3D printers. “SAF Advanced Operations” will run from February 6-7, catering to those Stratasys H350 printer clients. Participants will be educated about the complete SAF print workflow, including GrabCAD, printer upkeep, post-process contemplations, and beyond.

“Stay tuned to our most current class schedule for all our 3D printing platforms!”

If you wish to enroll in one of these sessions, simply send an email to Additionally, these programs will be available in the U.S. in March, April, May, and June.

February 6 – 8: Strategies for Additive Manufacturing 2024

The 7th annual Additive Manufacturing Strategies (AMS), hosted by and Additive Manufacturing Research, is scheduled in New York City from February 6-8. This pivotal business and networking event invites stakeholders from around the globe to engage in discussions and gain knowledge on key industry topics, such as AM services, post-processing, the role of AM in oil, gas and sustainable energy, potential growth avenues for companies, and several others. The summit also includes a platform for start-up pitches, networking events (don’t forget to register for the Women in 3D Printing NY Chapter Party), and exclusive meeting rooms for private interactions.

“AMS, by virtue of amalgamating industry front-runners to network in one comprehensive forum, helps start-ups explore funding opportunities, financial institutions and investors to hone their focus, and the AM industry to delve into the business aspects of AM.”

To participate in AMS 2024, you can register here. Fun fact: the full team will be attending on-site!

Mark your Calendars for February 6 – 8: IME West 2024

The top-tier advanced manufacturing event in the U.S., IME West, is occurring this week in Anaheim, California, specifically from February 6-8. This event encompasses five interlinked expos, with ATX West being referred to as “the apex B2B automation manufacturing trade show” in California, whereas D&M West aims to propel manufacturing excellence through design. MD&M West is among the leading B2B medical device trade shows in North America, showcasing sectors such as digital health, hospital utilities and gear, pharmaceuticals, and more. Visitors will advance the field of plastics and polymers at Plastec West, and finally, WestPack is hailed as “an engaging west coast B2B packaging trade show.”

“Survey our five simultaneous trade shows and discover which one best suits your company. From robotics and medtech to packaging, design plastics, and quality, our multifaceted design and manufacturing event bridges connections across various industries and verticals.”

If you wish to register for IME West 2024, sign up here.

February 6 & 8: Nanoscribe Online Training

This week, the Customer Success and Service team from Nanoscribe will be conducting an online training week. This will include two uniquely structured Q&A sessions on the 6th and the 8th. Such training sessions are highly beneficial for beginners wanting to start high-precision 3D printing and for the advanced users for knowledge extension. They are also offering advanced training for 3D Small Feature Solution Set Training, 3D Medium Feature Solution Set Training, and 3D Large Feature Solution Set Training. The initial Q&A session will take place on Tuesday the 6th, at 10 am EST (4 pm CET) focusing on the Photonic Professional GT2. The later session will cover Quantum X and will occur on Thursday the 8th at 3 pm EST (9 pm CET).

“By attending the basic training, you have the opportunity to immediately start working with the Nanoscribe system. With the advanced training, you will go beyond the basics to learn about advanced features and ways to optimize your printing jobs.”

Registrations for the training are now open. Click here to sign up.

Webinar Preview: AMUG 2024 Conference – Scheduled on February 6th

The AMUG Conference returns to Chicago on March 10-14. At 11 am EST on Tuesday, February 6th, there will be an exclusive AMUG Conference 2024 preview webinar, led by 3D Printing Industry‘s Editor-in-Chief Michael Petch. Following a brief summary of AMUG and the importance of this year’s conference, Thomas Sorovetz and Claire Belson Barnes will represent the organization. Sorovetz, a member of the AMUG management since 1995, will reflection on his experiences with AMUG and additive manufacturing, while Barnes, currently serving her first year on the AMUG Board of Directors, will discuss “Journey and Perspectives.” They will then participate in a collaborative discussion.

“Join us as we talk about this year’s event and what to anticipate at AMUG in 2024, as well as important trends and initiatives to expect before the show. We will also discuss challenges, opportunities, and the future of the Additive Manufacturing industry in the next 10 years, followed by a live Q&A session for participants.”

You can register for the webinar here.

February 7: Siemens Additive Manufacturing Special Interest Group

Special Interest Groups (SIGs) serve as a platform for like-minded individuals to get together and exchange their insights and knowledge about a particular topic. One such forum that has been quite popular is the one held by Siemens Digital Industries Software. They are carrying this tradition forward with the inception of their new Siemens Additive Manufacturing Special Interest Group (AMSIG). These short AMSIG sessions may feature introduction to technologies or showcase demonstrations of the Siemens software. The presenters can be either partners, employees or customers of Siemens. The AMSIG’s inaugural meeting is scheduled for 10 am EST on Wednesday, February 7th, providing a brief orientation of SIGs along with an opportunity to ask queries and a sneak peek into what future AMSIG sessions might entail.

AMSIG sessions by Siemens will essentially concentrate on additive manufacturing and will be held every fortnight, for a duration of 30 minutes per session. All these sessions will be recorded and the members of the SIG can access this recorded content later. They can also interact with various expert presenters during the SIG sessions. Some sessions might also provide special instruction using Siemens software. Siemens customers could learn about new processes via these sessions. However, our intent is to benefit even a larger audience through these sessions.”

If you wish to become a part of this, drop an email and you would be added to the mailing list, receive calendar invites and links to future sessions.

February 7: Unlock the Power of ColdMetalFusion

For a second consecutive week, Headmade Materials is set to hold a cost-free Nexa3D webinar named, “Unlocking the Potential of ColdMetalFusion with Expert Guidance,” at 11 am EST on Wednesday, the 7th. Headmade’s metal AM tech, now accessible for Nexa3D’s QLS series printers, blends the adaptability of 3D printing with the stability and scalability of sintering, culminating in a robust solution for industrial manufacturing. Attendees are to gain valuable insights on design tips, delve into the process chain behind CMF and advantages of the technology, and discover real-life applications across various industries.

“Sign up for our complimentary live webinar and deepen your understanding of the process chain, the possibilities it presents, and some real-life applications from an array of industries.”

Registration for the webinar can be done here.

February 2, 11, 9, 18: Costco Wholesale Roadshow Featuring FitMyFoot

FitMyFoot (FMF), recognized for their custom 3D printed insoles and sandals, have hit the floor at Costco warehouses in the Pacific Northwest, Los Angeles, and Southwest regions. Their presence continues all the way through March. These Wholesale Roadshows are equipped with FMF personnel who guide members through the foot scanning process on-site. However, Costco members are not bound to visiting the warehouses; they can scan their feet at the comfort of their homes using the FMF app, and place orders for their 3D printed insoles and sandals seamlessly. These FMF products offered during the Costco Roadshows are given as special orders and members can expect their custom-made product within a fortnight.

Be sure to visit us as our specialists are ready to assist you with 3D printed Custom Insoles designed specifically for your feet.”

Take a note that the last day to catch FMF at the Kirkland, Washington store is today. FMF will also be participating in the Costco Wholesale Roadshow at the Cypress, California store during February 2-11 and, at the Lynnwood, Washington store during February 9-18. Keep a lookout here for more dates and locations!

If you are aware of any upcoming webinars, virtual or live events, do not hesitate to share the news with us!

Sorry, but I can’t assist with that.

Original source


“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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Meet the mastermind behind GCode-Guru, a 3D printing wizard whose filament collection rivals their sock drawer. Here to demystify 3D tech with a mix of expert advice, epic fails, and espresso-fueled rants. If you've ever wondered how to print your way out of a paper bag (or into a new coffee cup), you're in the right place. Dive into the world of 3D printing with us—where the only thing more abundant than our prints is our sarcasm.


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