Evonik has developed a new 3D printing material called Nylon 12, derived from waste cooking oil.


Evonik recently made an exciting announcement, revealing the release of a new sustainable PA 12 powder bed fusion (PBF) material. What sets this material apart is that it uses waste cooking oil as its feedstock, rather than petroleum. According to Evonik, this new material produces 74 percent fewer CO2 emissions compared to their previous castor oil-based polyamides. This claim seems to imply that Evonik believes their material is more sustainable in terms of CO2 emissions than their French competitor, Arkema.

As someone who is enthusiastic about eco-friendly 3D printing materials, I find it thrilling to witness this competition between Evonik and Arkema. The new material, named INFINAM eCO PA12, is being hailed as a circular resource and will be featured at the upcoming Formnext event. Evonik points out that restaurants generate over 15 million tonnes of cooking oil, and in some regions, a portion of this oil is repurposed into biodiesel or other commodities. Now, this waste oil can find a new purpose as a 3D printing material.

Dominic Störkle, Head of the Additive Manufacturing Innovation Growth Field at Evonik, explains that true circularity is crucial for future success. As a pioneer in polymer-based 3D printing materials, Evonik has developed a formula for its PA12 powders to drive the circular plastics economy in additive manufacturing. With the introduction of INFINAM eCO PA12, Evonik aims to go beyond mere chemistry and begin closing the loop, meeting market expectations for a better future.

Aside from its environmental advantages, INFINAM eCO PA12 offers benefits for businesses as well. Evonik boasts a 100% reusability rate for support and a 70/30 refresh rate, where 70% of the material is composed of used material and 30% is new, all while maintaining mechanical properties over multiple cycles. Evonik has also conducted comprehensive life cycle assessments for its various PA grades, evaluating factors such as water and land utilization. Furthermore, the manufacturing process for this powder incorporates renewable energy sources, and Evonik aims to increase the recyclability of used powder in the future.

PA 12 remains the most sought-after PBF material, and we can see a noticeable shift towards sustainability among major corporations. Many companies are now integrating sustainability into performance bonuses and job roles, making genuine strides towards greener practices. For these companies, adopting green practices in prototyping or small-scale production is often more feasible than completely overhauling their entire manufacturing processes. As a result, materials companies must take on the responsibility of developing greener alternatives.

By diversifying their resources and reducing reliance on volatile oil prices, materials firms can find stability. If waste cooking oil offers consistent availability and pricing, it could be a game-changer. Additionally, adopting greener production methods not only minimizes a company’s environmental impact, but also positions it favorably in the eyes of environmental advocates, potentially driving future demand for its products.

In my interactions with designers and consumer-centric companies, I have seen a tangible enthusiasm for Arkema’s PA 11 materials. It’s not only pleasant to acknowledge this, but also to share it. Many appreciate the compelling narrative that these materials offer for their products. However, with Evonik now introducing an alternative that comes with its own appealing marketing narrative, I anticipate a surge in interest, especially in crafting products such as sunglasses from waste cooking oil.

This progression towards sustainable materials in 3D printing is commendable, and I am optimistic about witnessing a wide range of innovative, eco-friendly options in the future. It’s great to see companies like Evonik and Arkema pushing the boundaries and driving towards a genuinely circular technology. Stay up-to-date on the latest news from the 3D printing industry and receive information and offers from third-party vendors.

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