Exploring GeoPolymer International’s 3D Printers for Construction Industry


The MaxiPrinter is a mobile, compact and all-terrain 3D printer that can be used for indoor and outdoor construction.

Geopolymer International offers the MaxiPrinter and “Sophomore” Mini Truss Printer, serving as large 3D-printing solutions and equipment for builders.

The MaxiPrinter is a mobile, compact and all-terrain 3D printer that can be used for indoor and outdoor construction. It can print with an internal diameter minimum of 16.4 ft. and a maximum of 45.27 ft. for a structure of 12.63 ft. in height. It has an average printer speed of 3.94-5.91 in./s and an average maximum vertical construction speed of 0.98-1.97 ft./h, though the parameter is defined by the material used. The printer comes in a kit that includes one MaxiPrinter, one automated pumping system with direct data reporting, one automated silo kit, one remote control screen and C3D Slicer Software developed by Constructions-3D. The kit is delivered in a 20-ft. maritime container that weighs less than 7 tons. The MaxiPrinter doesn’t have height limitations as it can be lifted to the next floor.

The “Sophomore” Mini Truss Printer has a 10- x 10- x 10-ft. printing area. Geopolymer International makes gantry or overhead-style printers with stage trussing, using different truss, motor and controllers, drives and operating systems to customize the dimensions, functions and strength of the printer.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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