Exploring Open-Source, 3D-Printed Camera Equipment in Detail


Some uniquely innovative projects utilizing 3D printing deserve mention, for example, the work of the amateur photographer Nicholas Sherlock. He came up with a 3D-printed lens system for his photography to achieve optimal magnification. In particular, he wanted to capture living organisms in their natural environments. The design of this camera, actually a combination of two lenses, is as stunning as the photographs it creates.

Nicholas Sherlock, a New Zealand-based software developer, discovered his passion for photography unexpectedly. Utilizing 3D technologies, he customized his own camera equipment to suit his needs. His website states: “When I couldn’t find the photography equipment I wanted, I designed it myself and 3D-printed it!” Some of his designs include 3D-printed tripods, lens adapters and notably, the “3D macro lens.” This offers double magnification and an 18 x 12 mm field of view.

The 3D-printed photographic equipment created by Nicholas is openly available on the Printables website. He has shared his 3D files and has indicated that he intends to sell the product for those without access to a 3D printer. The equipment is compatible with two Sony E/FE cameras and includes two 4x microscope lenses for 2x zoom. Nicholas explains that the set up lets one of the cameras shoot through a beam-splitting prism, so one is mounted at the top or bottom of the equipment, while the other points normally at the subject.

He provides some printing suggestions on the Printables website, stating that he utilized black ABS+ from eSUN, but also recommends ASA – a durable material is still required. Several print parameters are given, including layer height, fill, print media, and so on. The primary objective is to share his innovation with a large group of enthusiasts.

Nicholas Sherlock explains how to view photos taken with this 3D-printed photography equipment: “If you hold your finger up in front of your face and look at it, your eyes converge (cross) to both point at it. If you now move your finger towards you and away from you, in the background, you will see the two side-by-side photos cross over each other more and less, respectively. Move your finger until both images in the background fully fuse together to form a third image in the middle of your field of view. The trick is now that you need to keep your eyes at the same convergence (still crossed to point at your finger) but you need to refocus to look at the monitor. This takes some practice, but once you get good at it, you can cross your eyes at will without using a finger. The fused third central image will now appear to be 3D.” Feel free to do so in the photo above!

You can also discover more on Nicholas’ site HERE. What are your thoughts on this 3D-printed photography equipment? Let us know in a comment below or on our LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter pages! Don’t forget to sign up for our free weekly Newsletter here, latest 3D printing news straight to your inbox! You can also find all our videos on our YouTube channel.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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