Exploring our Book of the Week: ‘How to Day Trade for a Living’


This week’s chosen book is “How to Day Trade for a Living: A Beginner’s Guide to Trading Tools and Tactics, Money Management, Discipline and Trading Psychology”, authored by Dr. Andrew Aziz.

Day trading, in a 3D printing publication?

Indeed, this is about 3D printing, and there’s a direct relation indeed. As it so happens, quite a number of 3D printing firms are publicly traded, implying that anyone, including you, can in theory invest in them. We monitor these companies and their weekly values on our weekly leaderboard.

Following these companies and their ups and downs for the past few years has revealed an underlying logic in their value fluctuations. Given these shifts, shrewd investors have the opportunity to potentially earn some money via investing in these companies and selling when the values surge.

It’s safe to say that the majority of Fabbaloo readers are not well-versed in the mechanics of purchasing and selling stocks. However, this is not a troubling situation to be in. The availability of various services makes the process quite manageable. Furthermore, your acquaintance and understanding of the 3D printing industry place you ahead of several market analysts, especially when it comes to some 3D printing firms.

The question now arises, what does investing entail? This book provides insights into the principles of trading, with a specific emphasis on “Day Trading”. This term refers to the rapidly fluctuating business of purchasing and selling a stock, possibly within the span of a day.

Regardless of whether or not you’re engaging in that kind of trading and instead planning to “hold” the stock for an extended time, the book continues to unravel the basics of how to trade effectively. Moreover, it guides you on how to prepare your investment strategy. Additionally, it elaborates on various methods and provides guidelines for choosing a brokerage service.

Investing in the stock market might not be something many readers have contemplated, nonetheless, it can turn out to be significantly profitable. Moreover, your awareness of the 3D printing scenario might just provide you an advantage over other participants in the market.

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Via Amazon

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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