Exploring the Artec 3D’s New Launch: Micro II Precision Scanner with Boosted Efficiency and Versatility


Luxembourg-based 3D scanner manufacturer Artec 3D has unveiled its new Micro II 3D scanner, designed to digitize tiny to small objects.

The Micro II, a professional desktop scanner by Artec 3D, is designed for precision in various industries such as reverse engineering, quality inspection, forensics, jewelry, and dentistry. Notably, it is said to be twice as accurate as its predecessor Artec Micro, boasting a 5-micron accuracy that meets the stringent requirements of quality inspection workflows. Emphasizing repeatability, the scanner consistently produces scans of the same item with a difference of less than 2 microns each time. The Micro II holds ISO certification (ISO12836), reinforcing its credibility and reliability in professional applications.

“With the new Micro II, we now provide double the accuracy and can scan a wider size range of objects, all with the same automated one-click workflow,” said Artec 3D President & CEO Art Yukhin. “Going forward, we continue to develop the algorithms, as we do for all our scanners. With the next release of Artec Studio, for example, we plan to add HD Mode to Micro II’s list of features.”

Ring texture as scanned by Micro II. Photo via Artec 3D.

Superior efficiency with Micro II

Furthering its potential, the Micro II touts a broader viewing field, accommodating users to record a volume that is 18.5 times larger and includes a wider variety of objects, fitting up to 20 x 20 x 15 cm. This expansion in functionality enhances the scanner’s relevance across a broad spectrum of industries. Artec 3D accentuates the user-friendly character of the Micro II that necessitates only one click for a completely automated scanning process. The scanner functions on algorithms found in Artec Studio software, ensuring an effective scanning path that captures every angle. Equipped with four 13 MPX cameras, the Micro II collects data from 3 axes at a rate of 1 million calculations per second, thus ensuring efficiency and rapidity in the scanning process.

Moreover, Artec Studio 18, the most recent version of Artec 3D’s professional software, complements the Micro II. The software enables users to examine or reverse engineer within the platform, with the added convenience of a Scan-to-CAD workflow for exporting to SOLIDWORKS or other CAD software. One significant advantage emphasized by Artec 3D is the flawless blend of data from other Artec scanners in Artec Studio, allowing users to form a holistic picture of an item or scene without compromising on accuracy or detail. In addition, scans can merge with high-resolution photographs to generate hyper-realistic color models.

“Thanks to Artec Studio’s exceptional view-planning algorithms, the scanner automatically orients your object to follow the ideal scanning trajectory. This guarantees the object is captured from all sides, and in minimal time,” stated Chief Technical Officer Gleb Gusev. “For those seeking a one-button 3D scanning solution, the Micro II is the perfect device.”

Technical specifications of the Micron II 3D scanner

3D accuracy Up to 5 microns, 2-micron repeatability
Accuracy certificate ISO12836
Full-color scanning Yes
Smart Scanning Mode Yes
Object size Up to 20 × 20 × 15 cm
Target-free scanning Yes
Light source RGB LED
Output formats All popular formats, including STL, OBJ, and PLY

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