Exploring the Biggest Players in the 3D Printing Industry as of December 24, 2023


Which 3D print company is the biggest this week? We once more delve into the market values of the prominent 3D printing firms over the last seven days.

Companies that are publicly traded need to publish their financial reports and are also listed on stock exchanges. From this, we can compute their total worth by multiplying their current stock price with the number of outstanding shares. This computed figure is known as the market capitalization, reflecting the present valuation of the firm.

Market capitalization is an excellent metric for comparing companies since it can be harnessed to expand the company’s capacities. For instance, shares could be used as collateral to secure a loan. Actions like these could raise money for the business to embark on new ventures.

Market capitalization, often referred to as “market cap,” holds significant relevance.

Although it might seem unnecessary to follow these companies on a weekly basis, given that their true worth is only reflected upon selling their stocks, it’s crucial to note that certain unforeseen events can influence a company’s value, elevating or decreasing it in the process. This weekly column is designed to monitor these fluctuations.

Remember, this list doesn’t comprise all significant players in the 3D printing industry. Since not all 3D printing businesses are publicly traded, procuring official data on their actual size, like EOS, proves to be a challenge. On the other hand, companies such as HP and Siemens possess expansive 3D printing departments but form part of much larger conglomerates, thereby making it difficult to ascertain the true magnitude of their 3D printing activities.

For now, let’s delve into the 3D printing businesses featured in this week’s data.

3D Printing Leaderboard

1 Xometry 1,567 +208
2 Protolabs 1,014 +39
3 Stratasys 907 +34
4 3D Systems 829 -27
5 Nano Dimension 608 +3
6 Materialise 397 +15
7 Desktop Metal 246 +8
8 Markforged 143 +4
9 Velo3D 115 +1
10 FATHOM 30 -1
11 Massivit 31 +2
12 Titomic 23 -3
13 Freemelt 18 -1
14 AML3D 15 +0
15 Steakholder Foods 14 -1
16 Shapeways 14 +0
17 voxeljet 11 -0
18 Aurora Labs 5 -1
19 Sygnis 5 +0
20 Sigma Additive Solutions 2 -0
TOTAL 5,994 +282
3D printing valuation leaderboard (in US$M) [Source: Fabbaloo]

This week saw notable gains once again, with the leaderboard leaping upwards by almost five percent. While most markets rose by less than a percent, it seems that investors looked on the 3D companies favorably. On the other hand, it could be a bit of a recovery after some pretty damaging drops throughout the year.

On yet another hand, most of this week’s gains were focused on one company, and that would be Xometry. The company has been at the top of the leaderboard for a couple of weeks now, and even a slight movement is noticeable.

This week they rocketed up by 15%, representing a leap of over US$200M in our weekly leaderboard total. Everything points to Xometry being at the crux of this significant gain.

While no definite official news from Xometry could justify this surge, it looks like the firm is on a recovery journey following an abrupt fall earlier this year. As it stands, they have a comfortable US$500M safety net that sets them apart from their runner-up, Protolabs.

Interestingly, Titomic’s valuation took a twelve percent knock this week, which initially appears significant. However, if we look at the company’s valuation, it recently soared by more than 100% in a baffling upward swing. The Australian Stock Exchange presented formal inquiries due to this sudden surge, but no clarification was offered by the company. This week, their valuation fell by a mere twelve percent, a drop probably attributed to profit-making from those capitalizing on the sudden growth of value.

In conclusion, the stiff competition between Stratasys and 3D Systems continues. This week, Stratasys sustained a slightly higher valuation, and the gap widened marginally. Stratasys saw nearly a four percent rise, while 3D Systems experienced a three percent slump.

Why the discrepancy? Stratasys’s peculiar declaration may be a factor. They appear to have implemented an extraordinary shareholder rights system during the previous takeover fiasco’s peak, which was nearing its end. This announcement initiates a fresh set of rights, intended to ensnare any aggressive acquisition attempts.

In essence, it posits that a series of regulations are invoked if anyone amasses more than 15% of the company’s shares. This allows other shareholders to purchase additional shares at a nominal price, among other things, and oblige the buyer to have a direct conversation with the Stratasys board of directors. This is what some would designate as a “poison pill” to deter undesired acquisitions.

This news may have caught investors’ attention, and Stratasys’s value may have consequently appreciated this week.

Why would Stratasys introduce these new rules? They appear to anticipate more adversarial takeover proposals in the future.

Right on cue, Nano Dimension announced a new campaign to buy out Stratasys shares. More details to follow on Monday.

Upcoming Changes

BigRep announced plans to go public via the SPAC approach, so we will soon see them appear on the leaderboard.

One company I’ve started to watch is ICON, the Texas-based construction 3D printer manufacturer. This privately-held company has been raising a significant amount of investment to the tune of almost half a billion dollars. At that level it is likely they will be discussing a transition to public markets at some point, which would certainly place them at or near the top of our leaderboard.

Another company that seems logically prepared to go public is VulcanForms. It’s a manufacturing service that utilizes an advanced 3D printing process with metals. Its current private valuation is over US$1B, and venturing into public trade could elevate this evaluation significantly.

Should you have insights on any publicly-traded 3D printing companies worthy of inclusion in our leaderboard, do enlighten us!

Other Players In Industry

While our focus has been on public companies, it’s important to note there are quite a few private companies that are not listed on any stock exchange. These privately-owned entities likely have substantial value, but determining their exact valuation at any given time isn’t feasible. Undoubtedly, the larger companies suspected are EOS, Carbon, and Formlabs.

Perhaps someday some of them will appear on our major players list.

Related Companies

Finally, there are a number of companies that are deeply engaged in the 3D print industry, but that activity is only a small slice of their operations. Thus it’s not fair to place them on the lists above because we don’t really know where their true 3D print activities lie.

Original source


“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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Meet the mastermind behind NozzleNerds.com: GCode-Guru, a 3D printing wizard whose filament collection rivals their sock drawer. Here to demystify 3D tech with a mix of expert advice, epic fails, and espresso-fueled rants. If you've ever wondered how to print your way out of a paper bag (or into a new coffee cup), you're in the right place. Dive into the world of 3D printing with us—where the only thing more abundant than our prints is our sarcasm.


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