Exploring the Future of Food: Stakeholder Foods Discussed 3D Printed Meat Alternatives


Over the past few years, there has been a growing interest in additive manufacturing in the food industry. The evolution of 3D printing has brought about a radical transformation in food production methods, offering the added bonus of being able to customize products to meet specific consumer needs. An example of this trend is illustrated by Steakholder Foods.

This Israeli company, founded in 2019, sets itself apart by offering plant-based alternatives for products such as shrimp, eel, fish fillets and meat. Their aim is to maintain the same taste and texture as the original products, while meeting the demands of consumers looking for more sustainable food choices. Their goal is to produce food with a low environmental impact, while playing a key role in reducing animal suffering. To find out more, we caught up with Tzahi Seger, the company’s Digital Marketing Manager.

3DN: Could you introduce Steakholder Foods and your connection with additive manufacturing?

Steakholder Foods is committed to expediting the progression of the plant-based and cultivated food industries by developing industry-standard machinery, software, and printing materials. The company provides its exclusive 3D printers, printing ink, operating software, and continual services, enabling manufacturers of all sizes to attain the successful execution of their products.

Through its diverse manufacturing technologies and services, Steakholder Foods enables manufacturers to create plant-based food that emulates the taste, texture, and appearance of traditional meat. This presents an alternative to industrialized farming and fishing. Our specialty is in the creation of plant-based meat and seafood products that have complex textures. Despite our current focus on plant-based alternatives, we’re also developing cultivated cells for smooth integration, preparing for future needs.

3DN: Can you explain how your 3D food printing process functions (technology, materials used)?

Our printing technology is revolutionizing food manufacturing, bringing an array of technical benefits. We use layered printing to intelligently blend diverse materials into a single product. This allows for the creation of intricate structures and textures, which cannot be achieved with traditional methods. Our method of fiber alignment replicates the texture of actual meat, thus enhancing the meat-like characteristics of plant-based products. Our technology also permits the incorporation of additional processes like cross-linking and addition of fats, which further improves the quality of the product. The level of customization and precision that our technology offers is unmatched, catering to unique consumer requirements and dietary needs.

At Steakholder Foods, the 3D food printing process encompasses a fusion of culinary science and food printing technology. Initially, inks are crafted from proteins and other components that echo the features of genuine meat. These inks are then placed into a 3D printer that meticulously layers them to build the intended meat structure. This process offers refined control over texture and structure, enabling products that emulate traditional meat’s flavor and texture.

Which foods is Steakholder Foods currently capable of printing?

Steakholder Foods has the technical capacity to print an array of meat products such as plant-sourced beef steaks, fish fillets, eel, and shrimps. These are created to duplicate the flavor, texture, and nutritional content found in ordinary meat. Looking into the future, the firm plans to extend its scope to include chicken fillet too. Research is currently underway to reduce the cost of cultivated meat, with plant-based materials projected to serve as the platform for cultivated biomass in future.

What are some potential challenges faced when integrating 3D food printing?

Some challenges in integrating 3D food printing include scaling the technology for mass production while still ensuring consistency and quality in the printed products. Additionally, there’s the challenge of public perception and acceptance, as introducing a printed food technology often requires extensive consumer education and marketing efforts.

What advantages do you think 3D printing brings to the food sector?

3D-printed meat represents a revolutionary step in sustainable food production. By utilizing advanced printing technologies, we’re able to significantly reduce environmental impact, minimize animal welfare concerns, and enhance food security. Our process mirrors the texture and taste of traditional meat, promising a future where ethical, eco-friendly, and secure meat production is accessible globally. With the flexibility to place these printers anywhere in the world, we can contribute to feeding populations in even the most remote regions.

Any last words for our readers?

As the world grapples with the challenges of sustainable food production and ethical meat consumption, technologies like 3D food printing present a promising solution. Companies like Steakholder Foods are at the vanguard of this revolution, offering innovative approaches to meat production that could significantly impact our food systems. It’s an exciting time in the food industry, and the potential for positive change is immense. You can find out more on our website HERE.

What do you think of Steakholder Foods? Would you eat their 3D printed meat alternatives? Let us know in a comment below or on our LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter pages! Don’t forget to sign up for our free weekly Newsletter here, the latest 3D printing news straight to your inbox! You can also find all our videos on our YouTube channel.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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