Exploring the Innovative Partnership Advancing 3D Printing in Aircraft Cabins


Materialise NV, Proponent, and Stirling Dynamics have agreed to collectively provide certified 3D printed cabin solutions for aircraft. This agreement is geared towards the reduction of the difficulties associated with the execution of additive manufacturing in the aerospace field. In this partnership that initially started with Materialise and Proponent in 2021, Stirling Dynamics, which is a division of Expleo, now comes onboard. The objective of this partnership includes design, production, and the distribution of cabin solutions for the aerospace aftermarket.

Due to Stirling Dynamics status as an EASA 21.J-certified Aerospace Design Organization, the firm will contribute towards the creation of designs for 3D printed interior cabin parts, and this also includes the provision of complete aircraft documentation and installation instructions. Materialise’s role in this partnership, characterized by its certified production capacities as a 21.G POA, is complemented by Proponent’s role as an industry-leading independent aerospace distributor. This team of companies is committed to simplifying the incorporation of 3D printed solutions for OEMs and aircraft operators.

More specifically, the partnership is tailored towards driving the widespread implementation of 3D printing for cabin parts in the aerospace domain, and it targets scope includes OEMs, airlines, and MROs.

Already, various solutions for cabin repair have been successfully devised in collaboration between Stirling Dynamics and Materialise, addressing specific cabin issues faced by customers. Proponent has the capability to leverage their relationships with OEMs to develop approved and certified solutions from OEMs, thereby offering them to worldwide operators facing similar issues.

“As Stirling Dynamics becomes part of our partnership, we’re capable of offering our OEM partners solutions that are qualified and easily incorporable into their aftermarket supply chain,” expressed Erik Krol, the Vice President of Strategic Business Units at Proponent.

“Due to this collaboration, OEMs can provide spare parts and carry out repairs in a highly cost-effective manner, ultimately proving beneficial for the airlines and MROs.”

As we move forward, this partnership is all set to facilitate additional advancements in the implementation of additive manufacturing technologies in the sector, potentially leading to the development of more innovative, efficient, and cost-effective solutions in aerospace design and production.

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