Exploring Top 5 Videos on 3D Printed Fashion Evolution in Paris


Hello and welcome to a special edition of the top five videos of the week, where we bring you the latest and greatest in 3D printing-related video content. We’ve got a great lineup for you today as we dive into high fashion with Iris van Herpen’s 3D printed creations before going on a tour of how Prusa 3D printers are made! From there we take a look at heroes on the silver screen and on the front lines as we explore 3D printed costumes and drones. Finally, we take a look at some top-notch modeling and remote control wiring as Mateusz Malinowski assembles a 1:150 scale, 3D printed model of a cargo ship. We hope you enjoy these visual offerings and keep the love for 3D printing alive!

Top 1: Exploring 3D Printed Fashion at Iris van Herpen’s Paris Exhibition

Our first video comes from a 3Dnatives field trip to the Musée des Arts Décoratifs in Paris, France where famed fashion designer Iris van Herpen has a collection of works on display that feature 3D printed dresses that blur the line between clothing and contemporary art. The Paris exhibition is known as “Sculpting The Senses” and encompasses 11 rooms with different themes, where visitors have the chance to enter the mind of the artist while seeing her most magnificent works. Not only does it display the vast opportunities that additive manufacturing offers in clothing production, but it also shows the extent to which 3D technologies are transforming the fashion industry. Watch the video to see some of van Herpen’s signature designs!

Watch the video here

Top 2: 3D Printing 3D Printers!

In this video by Strange Parts, we venture on a tour of Prusa Research’s 3D printer factory in Prague, Czechia. We get to see the production and manufacturing process of the renowned 3D printer brand, beginning with Josef Prusa himself. This comprehensive tour of manufacturing exposes the intriguing behind-the-scenes of 3D printer production on a large scale. Each step is detailed by Prusa Research’s experts who explain how the processes integrate into the products we use at home and work. If you’re remotely interested in how 3D printers are manufactured, you ought to check out this video.

Top 3: Elevating 3D Printed Cosplay

This video by Plentiful Props 3D turns fantasy into reality as we witness the assembly of incredibly realistic costumes using 3D printing. In this particular video, Nick embarks on a project to construct an Iron Man Mk 46 suit. Besides videos that detail the actual 3D printing and assembly of the suit, this particular video is fascinating because it involves incorporating electronics and programming lights and sounds to animate the suit. Seeing how 3D printed parts are utilized post-printing, particularly their interaction with electronics or computer components, is a crucial aspect that arises more frequently than you might anticipate. So, check out the video to see for yourself!

Top 4: 3D Printing Drones on Ukraine’s Frontlines

On the ground in Ukraine, the war against Russia continues. To face these challenges, Ukraine’s soldiers are turning to 3D printing to gain the upper hand. More and more engagements are being handled by remote-controlled drones, which are used by both sides. Ukraine has seen a lot of success using these drones as anti-tank weapons by outfitting them as kamikaze weapons, designed to fly up close to their target, before detonating their payload. The cost of these drones is being recouped through 3D printing, which allows for cheap replacement parts to be manufactured quickly and without supply chain issues.

Top 5: Scale Model Ship Brought to Life with 3D Printing

This final video from Mateusz Malinowski takes us on the journey of 3D printing, assembling, and testing a beautifully detailed 1:150 scale model of the DFDS Ark Germania cargo ship. What’s amazing about the project is the minimal amount of post-processing required after printing. Follow along as Mateusz assembles the ship, including the electronics for the electric motors and rudders, and puts together intricate above-deck details and coloring before finally giving the model the real test by piloting it in a body of water. If you are curious at all about model building or remote-controlled models, this is a fantastic way to learn more about the hobby from a passionate project and creator!

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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Meet the mastermind behind NozzleNerds.com: GCode-Guru, a 3D printing wizard whose filament collection rivals their sock drawer. Here to demystify 3D tech with a mix of expert advice, epic fails, and espresso-fueled rants. If you've ever wondered how to print your way out of a paper bag (or into a new coffee cup), you're in the right place. Dive into the world of 3D printing with us—where the only thing more abundant than our prints is our sarcasm.


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