Exploring Virginia Tech’s $1.5m Tire Retreading Project: The Power of a Dollar and 3D Printing


Sam Davies speaks to Virginia Tech’s Professor Chris Williams about the use of 3D printing in a $1.5m tire retreading project.


Sam Davies

27 December 2023


Virginia Tech

When Chris Williams – the L.S. Randolph Professor in Mechanical Engineering at Virginia Tech – started out as a professor 15 years ago, he couldn’t envisage that his lab would ever build bespoke additive manufacturing (AM) equipment. Instead, his lab would devote their efforts to studying how existing processes affect novel material properties and the new design spaces such capabilities would afford.

Fast forward to 2023, though, and Williams finds himself working alongside several students with experience in building 3D printers at home, working with microcontrollers as a hobby, and a strong drive to push the boundaries of AM.

This capability is coming to the forefront as Williams’ DREAMS Lab – Design Research and Education for AM Systems – develops a new tyre retreading method through a 1.5 million USD research project. Funding comes from a 1:1 cost share between Virginia Tech and the REMADE Institute, which has been established by the US Department of Energy to accelerate the country’s transition to a circular economy. Arizona State University and industry partner Michelin will also be involved as they attempt to address the waste generated by retreading and the fuel efficiency of road vehicles.

Each year in the US, an estimated 14.5 million tires undergo the process of retreading. Traditional methods involve removal of any remaining tread and sidewall rubber from the casing by buffing, followed by stitching new tread material onto the casing. The completed tire is then subjected to a heating process of approximately 155°C. This standard procedure not only generates a considerable amount of waste rubber but also has a significant impact on tire performance, often resulting in increased energy expenditure.

According to Williams, additive retreading presents a fruitful opportunity. In cases of uneven wear, rather than discarding the entire tread, it may be possible to retread only a specific section of a tire. Conventional manufacturing approaches do not allow for this degree of selectivity but additive procedures do. The primary objective is to reduce material waste, and the secondary aim is to curb the rise in rolling resistance that occurs with tire retreading and, by extension, increase fuel efficiency.

The envisaged retreading process by Williams and his team involves minimal buffing, printing on only the worn-down sections of the tire’s cushion rubber, and laying a conventional tire tread on top of this. To realize this concept, Williams and his colleagues are in the midst of a two-year project demonstrating significant ongoing progress in polymer science, 3D printing and industrial robotics.

Working with Tim Long, formerly of Virginia Tech and now the Director of Arizona State’s Biodesign Center for Sustainable Macromolecular Material and Manufacturing, Williams says two materials have been developed that perform as well as the conventional material. One is a ‘direct rubber’ material and the other is a ‘new age’ formulation, with the team suggesting it has found a way to ‘reduce the viscosity of rubbery material so that it is easily printed’ while still getting all the required properties. Key to these developments is the DREAMS Lab’s multi-stage printing process, which sees material selectively deposited through a nozzle, with a curing step coming later. This is facilitated by a robotic work cell that allows material to be conformally and precisely deposited onto a tyre surface with the support of 3D scan data and rapid toolpath changes.

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“If we want to advance the state of the art, we can’t only treat AM as a singular standalone manufacturing solution,” Williams suggests. “So, [we’re] taking AM literally out of its box and using it as one of many tools that our robot can use. [That’s] what has got my attention right now – with robotic AM, we can print in true 3D, no longer just in stacks of 2D layers. We can change between both additive, subtractive, and pick-andplace tools. This project is a great opportunity to demonstrate this vision for the future of AM, and its for the cause of a more sustainable future.”

If the DREAMS Lab is successful, Williams estimates it could result in annual reductions of around 90 metric kilotons of tyre waste and 800 metric kilotons of CO2 emissions across the retreading industry. In the next 12 months, one material from the two options will be chosen, before testing with partners is carried out and a lifecycle assessment is completed to gauge the process’ economic and environmental impact.

The retreading technique may then be taken forward by an industrial partner. That is somewhat out of the control of Williams and co, but in the technology they’re developing, there is confidence that the potential goes beyond just the tyres on the wheels of our cars.

“It’s not just about tyre repair. One key aspect of this project is aimed at automatically generating toolpaths from in-situ 3D scan data. And that’s applicable to every other additive and repair process,” Williams says. “In addition, the way in which we’re now printing elastomers is generalisable to any other kind of elastomer system, not just this one type of rubber. Our hope as scientists is that our work will provide a base for other people to build on and take it in the direction they think it needs to go.”

“It’s not just about tyre repair. One key aspect of this project is focused in automatically generating toolpaths from in-situ 3D scan data. And that’s applicable to every other additive and repair process,” Williams says. “In addition, the way in which we’re now printing elastomers is generalisable to any other kind of elastomer system, not just this one type of rubber. Our hope as scientists is that our work is something that will provide a foundation for other people to build on and take it where they think it needs to be.”

by Sam Davies

27 December 2023


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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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