Facial reconstruction from the Bronze Age successfully accomplished using 3D printing technology – 3DPrinting.com


In a quarry in Scotland, the skeletal remains of the enigmatic ‘Upper Largie Woman’ have been discovered. Dating back to the Bronze Age, this individual was buried in a unique crouched position and has recently undergone a cutting-edge facial reconstruction.

Using a combination of 3D printing and plasticine clay techniques, the Upper Largie Woman’s appearance has been brought to life. A CT scan of the remains was taken, allowing for the creation of a 3D printed skull, to which plasticine was delicately added. However, this process was not without its challenges. The woman’s mandible was missing, and part of the cranium was fragmented, requiring significant repair work.

Undertaking this intricate reconstruction was Oscar Nilsson, a forensic artist from Sweden. Drawing on tissue depth charts and considering factors such as the woman’s probable age, undernourishment, and regional origin, Nilsson meticulously created a detailed facial representation. From the skull’s indications, it is believed that the Upper Largie Woman had wide-set eyes, a broad nose, a rounded forehead, and a broad mouth.

In addition to her physical features, further analysis has provided insight into this ancient individual’s background. Isotope analysis indicates that she was local to Scotland. Additionally, shards of Beaker pottery found near her remains suggest her association with the Beaker culture. This culture, known for its distinctive pottery, originated in Central Europe and eventually reached Britain around 2400 B.C., with ancestral ties to the Eurasian Steppe.

The ability to reconstruct the face of the Upper Largie Woman using advanced technologies exemplifies the profound impact that archaeological advancements can have on our understanding of ancient history. As the 3D printing industry continues to evolve, it is anticipated that archaeological and forensic reconstructions will become even more precise and insightful.

And what has become of the remains themselves? The Upper Largie Woman has been “sensitively ‘reburied’” in the exact position in which she was buried 4,000 years ago, ensuring respect and preservation of this remarkable find.

As we marvel at the fascinating insights provided by this facial reconstruction, it serves as a reminder of the power of technology in bringing ancient history to life. With each advancement in the field of 3D printing, we inch closer to uncovering a deeper understanding of our ancestors and their rich cultural heritage.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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