Financing options for 3D printing equipment are introduced by MatterHackers.


MatterHackers, one of the leading resellers of 3D printing equipment in North America, has introduced an innovative financing option for its customers. In a bid to make 3D printing more accessible to small businesses, MatterHackers now offers financing through Taycor Financial. This new offering is especially beneficial for small business owners who are looking to scale up their operations.

Traditionally, resellers operate on a cash basis, requiring customers to pay the full amount upfront. However, this can be a barrier for businesses that don’t have the immediate cash available or prefer not to take on additional loans from banks or other sources. With MatterHackers’ financing option, they can act as the bank for qualified purchases, allowing businesses to start using the equipment they need without a significant upfront investment.

There are several reasons why financing could be advantageous for small businesses. Firstly, it enhances affordability by spreading the cost of equipment over time. This means that businesses can start using the equipment they need right away and manage their cash flow more effectively. Additionally, financing opens up opportunities for businesses to upgrade to newer models or more advanced machinery as their operations grow. Lastly, depending on the situation, leasing or financing equipment can have tax benefits as it can be deducted as a business expense.

This financing option provided by MatterHackers is particularly useful for small businesses that wish to expand but struggle to justify the one-time cost of purchasing new 3D printing capacity. Often, securing financing from traditional banks can be a lengthy and challenging process, making it difficult for businesses to access the machines they need in a timely manner. MatterHackers’ program circumvents these obstacles and enables small businesses to immediately access the equipment they require and pay for it over time.

While this financing option is ideal for businesses with a clear growth trajectory, there are some limitations to consider. The minimum deal size is set at $3000, meaning that low-cost desktop printers may not qualify for financing. However, purchases up to $150,000 can be approved within just two hours, making the process remarkably fast. It is worth noting that larger amounts may require further approval.

If you are a small business looking to expand your 3D print capacity but are unable to finance the upfront cost, MatterHackers’ financing option is definitely worth exploring. This innovative program provides a practical solution to accessing the equipment necessary for growth and allows businesses to pay for it over time. With this new offering, MatterHackers continues to revolutionize the 3D printing industry and make it more accessible to all.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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