Formlabs introduces groundbreaking materials tailored for the medical and dental sectors.


Formlabs, a well-known player in the field of biomedical and dental 3D printing, has recently unveiled three new materials that are poised to make a big impact in the medical and dental industries. These novel materials, namely the BioMed Elastic 50A Resin, BioMed Flex 80A Resin, and IBT Flex Resin, are specifically tailored to meet the needs of healthcare professionals and dental practitioners.

The BioMed Elastic 50A Resin is a soft and flexible material that is ideal for long-term skin contact and personal fit. Its unique properties make it perfect for creating intricate soft-tissue models, as well as gastrointestinal models for fluid visualization and neurovascular references for surgeons. This material opens up new possibilities for more sophisticated and accurate medical models.

On the other hand, the BioMed Flex 80A Resin offers durability, transparency, and firmness. This makes it an excellent choice for crafting flexible medical devices and robust tissue models. Surgeons can use these models as references during surgeries, leading to more precise and successful procedures.

Lastly, the IBT Flex Resin is designed specifically for dental and orthodontic applications. This material is perfect for creating indirect bonding trays and direct composite restoration guides with precision and accuracy. Dental labs can benefit greatly from the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of this material, as it allows them to produce higher precision products in a fraction of the time compared to traditional methods.

These new materials are fully compatible with Form 3B/+ and Form 3BL printers, making them accessible to a wide range of professionals. However, the significance of these material releases goes beyond just expanding Formlabs’ product inventory. It represents a challenge to traditional manufacturing methodologies in healthcare and dental practices. By offering a more efficient, cost-effective, and personalized alternative, Formlabs is disrupting the market and revolutionizing the way professionals approach their work.

One of the key advantages of Formlabs’ materials is their lower cost compared to traditional methods and competing 3D print alternatives. This opens up opportunities for professionals to adopt 3D printing for a variety of applications, resulting in potential sales for Formlabs. Dental labs, for example, may soon shift their operations to take advantage of the precision and time-saving benefits offered by materials like IBT Flex Resin.

It is not hard to envision a future where 3D printing becomes the norm for these applications, thanks to the innovative materials developed by Formlabs. With each new material release, Formlabs strengthens its position as a leader in the professional 3D printing domain. Today’s announcement is just the beginning, and we can expect more exciting developments from this pioneering company in the near future.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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