Foundry Lab and Eaton are collaborating to optimize additive manufacturing, according to


Foundry Lab, a leading player in advanced manufacturing technologies, has joined forces with Eaton Corporation to revolutionize prototyping and additive manufacturing processes. By harnessing the power of microwave speed and additive manufacturing, Foundry Lab has successfully produced cast parts for Eaton in a significantly shorter time period. This achievement has been made possible by the use of the Digital Metal Casting System, which allows for the casting of aluminum parts with stainless steel pins – a feat that was previously impossible with traditional 3D printing methods.

This collaboration highlights Foundry Lab’s technological expertise and serves as a testament to their recent expansion in the United States. Eaton, as an initial participant in Foundry Lab’s evaluation program, was able to gain early access to this innovative technology. Cameron Peahl from Eaton emphasizes the significance of this advancement, explaining that it allows for the integration of the benefits of additive manufacturing into conventional casting methods. “Working with Eaton to produce these parts has been an incredible opportunity,” says David Moodie, Founder and CEO of Foundry Lab. “It is a prime example of the capabilities our system has to offer. Eaton’s application perfectly demonstrates the challenges that the industry currently faces. Many components cannot be 3D printed, and casting them with traditional methods is both time-consuming and expensive. Our technology is here to solve this problem.”

The collaboration between Foundry Lab and Eaton Corporation marks a considerable breakthrough in the field of prototyping and additive manufacturing. This partnership offers a more efficient and versatile solution for metal casting, with the potential to streamline manufacturing processes and reduce production times. It is foreseeable that the industry will increasingly adopt such integrated technologies, paving the way for a more streamlined and efficient future. Foundry Lab will begin accepting orders for their Digital Metal Casting system at the upcoming Formnext conference in Frankfurt from the 7th to the 10th of November.

We invite you to share your thoughts on this groundbreaking collaboration by connecting with us on our Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn pages. Don’t forget to sign up for our weekly additive manufacturing newsletter to receive all the latest industry news and updates delivered straight to your inbox.

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