Greenwood Power has secured €5.1M to enhance production through the use of 3D printing, states


Greenwood Power, an Austrian firm specializing in power and voltage sensors, has recently secured €5.1 million in funding to expand its operations and potentially establish a manufacturing presence in the United States. The company’s sensors play a crucial role in gas and air-installed local substations, helping to mitigate grid destabilization caused by fluctuating production and demand. What sets Greenwood Power apart from its competitors is its use of additive manufacturing in the production of highly precise and cost-effective 3D printed sensors.

According to Norbert Juschicz, the CEO of Greenwood Power, their sensors are specifically designed for retrofitting local grid substations and have the capabilities to send power and voltage data to a central processing system. By constantly monitoring deviations from normal operation, any abnormality can be automatically detected and reported to the grid operator. This level of real-time data transmission and analysis is crucial in ensuring efficient and reliable power distribution.

The substantial investment in Greenwood Power is funded by Austrian venture capital firms eQventure and tecnet equity. This injection of capital is aimed at increasing Greenwood Power’s global market share to a solid ten percent, quintupling their current position. However, the company’s ambitions do not end here. They are also venturing into research to develop a system where sensors can transmit real-time power and voltage data to a centralized processing hub. This innovation will further improve the detection and notification of any operational discrepancies, allowing grid operators to take immediate corrective actions.

The collaboration between Greenwood Power and Austrian venture capital firms, along with the integration of 3D printing technology, showcases the potent blend of innovation and strategic investment. This remarkable synergy is further strengthening Austria’s presence in the growing global market of power and voltage sensors. By embracing advanced manufacturing techniques and leveraging the power of intelligent capital infusion, Greenwood Power is paving the way for a more efficient and sustainable energy grid.

To stay up to date with the latest developments in additive manufacturing and Greenwood Power’s advancements, be sure to follow them on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. You can also sign up for their weekly newsletter to have all the latest stories delivered right to your inbox. Let us know your thoughts and share your opinions on this exciting venture.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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